Thursday, December 31, 2009


This is the eve of New Year 2010, and so I prepare myself to begin again. So many resolutions have been made over the years. This can be discouraging OR encouraging. The positive minded person can see that even failure is a success because efforts are made.

So easy to never fail because one might not risk making new efforts - reaching out to try new ways / new ideas.

Our faith teaches us to make progress at all times, regardless of how we feel. After all, feelings can be deceiving. The person who is willing to try, is the person who will make progress.

God could so easily have made each one of us perfect. However, we would be very foolish to think that we are a perfect being. In fact we are, you could say, only half-created.

God has done His part. Now it's up to us to do our part by responding to the graces that come our way, each day.

This is the beauty and challenge of becoming a whole person. We respond to love and so we become LOVE!

Each new day we have a chance to begin again.

Saturday, December 26, 2009


Today is a fresh start. Celebrating the first martyr, St. Stephen is a wonderful reminder for us to know what the Christmas season is all about, welcoming Christ into our hearts and willing to live our lives according to Christian morals and standards.

St. Stephen gave his life for the love of God. We are asked to live for Christ, and follow the banner of Love.

No need for great acts; simply an open heart to all the little opportunities that come to us today, where we are invited to put Love first.

Our past no longer exists. The future is yet to come.

Today invites us to make a fresh start, in following our desire to show our love for God.

Thursday, December 24, 2009


As I walked up town this afternoon, I was greeted by many... 'Happy Christmas'. My reply was an echo of this positive greeting, to wish each and all a very Happy Christmas.

I look forward to the Carol singing in the Church this evening, followed by evening Mass to welcome the baby Jesus into our hearts / into our lives
Now, as I ponder on the reality of the birth of Christ I begin to realise the GIFT we are receiving, to become an heir to the kingdom of God.
So, what is my gift for the little Child of God? What can I offer?
Perhaps the best gift that we can offer, is the gift of love, to give our hearts to God, easily and innocently, now and forever more.

Thank You God, and so it is.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Christmas fare

I was in Dublin yesterday and had opportunity to see the throngs of people as they made their way, in and out of shops etc. I walked down Grafton street and admired the Samaritan people as they braved the cold, in support of the homeless.
Crossing O'Connell bridge I met the genuine homeless, sitting on the pavement, begging. I donated to some and passed by others. All I could do, without taking on the cares of the world, was to send each one a blessing.

Christ said, "The poor we will have with us, always."

He wasn't saying we shouldn't care, yet simply giving us a reminder of peoples' needs. Food and warmth is the basic need, and yet there is such a need for encouragement for all of us.

Christmas can be a time of loneliness for some, and hunger of body and of soul.

We can all give a little. If we don't have money we can give our time, to listen and care.

We can share a prayer. Whatever need we can meet, will mean so much to the receiver and the giver.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


There are times when we are weak, either in mind, body or spirit. For some reason, we find ourselves without reason. Our simple approach to life is gone!

What has happened? What have we done wrong?

There are so many questions we can ask, and yet the answer is more simple than we can realise. We are simply weak.

The solution? Love to be weak, whatever form it takes. This is an ideal opportunity on our part to use our faith, to trust that God knows His job and is looking after each one of us, personally.

How can we be anxious or worry when we are so spoiled by love, by He who is Love!

Relax! Let this state of weakness do its work. After all, we are like a child in the arms of our Parent. We have nothing to fear.

When we listen to our hearts, the words we will hear are... "Lean on Me!"

This state of weakness is presented to us by God Himself, in becoming a vulnerable baby, totally dependent on Mary, His mother.

Let us do the same. Mary is there for us too.

Friday, December 11, 2009


The spirit of Christmas is sometimes hard to pin-point. We all have agendas / work to be done etc. It can happen then that Christmas comes upon us like a surprise!

Only two weeks to go, and preparations and good resolutions still to be followed through... help!
The simple answer of course is to live in the present moment. Today is special with opportunities to work / to love / to enjoy. What a pity if we found ourselves always preparing for tomorrow, with no time for today.

Therefore, the spirit of Christmas is built on a relationship with God, our Creator. And, to remember the whole meaning of Christmas, where God becomes like a little baby and shares His presence with us.

We can look at the Crib in Church and see how simple and vulnerable Christ became, lying there in a manger, with his mother Mary, and St.Joseph.

This is the image of family-life and so it's good that Christmas is looked upon as a family get-together where people share gifts and good tidings with one another, and celebrate the birth of Christ.

Happy Christmas!

Monday, December 7, 2009


To be creative means an openness to beauty and originality. I became aware of this over the last few days as I participated in the Crafts Fair in the RDS in Dublin.

Arts and Crafts from all over Ireland were displayed. Some were quirky / some exceedingly artistic / all were originals of the creative minds of the exhibitors.

I was impressed at how creative people can be. Many expressed their creativity in their paintings ( so many individual artists on display). Wood designers from all parts of the country vied in displaying their original furniture, while dress designers drew the admiration of all by their innovative creations.

In the Food Fair participants expressed creative genius in chocolate-making, while the Christmas pudding and cake bakers, cheese makers and tea blenders attracted droves of happy shoppers.

There would appear to be no end to the creative mind in coming up with innovative ideas. If you can think it up, it can be done.

Let loose your creative imagination!

Sunday, November 29, 2009


Today is one of those wet, dark days when one is glad to curl up in a comfy sofa and relax. The brave ones tog out for the rain, and march off to watch the waves crashing along the pier. The power of the sea is so fascinating to watch, and yet for me, I'm happy to stay indoors.
I watch a silly movie on the television and enjoy the comfort of a hot cup of tea. Still, my mind is alert and awake to the adventure of 'new' happenings / new experiences.

Perhaps the soul resembles the innocence of a child who is delighted with a spirit of adventure. A wild sea is like a friendly monster who wants to grab at us and play, just like the mind of God, teasing us out to play and be childlike with Him.

We make choices. There is a time for rest and relaxation, and a time for adventure. Tune into your heart and find out what God has in store for you.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

To be of Service

Perhaps there is a stigma affiliated to being a 'servant', a person who serves others. If that is the case, then we are in deep trouble.

A lot of the good things that happen to us come about because of our willingness to be of service. It might be in small things; giving a neighbour a lift / baby-sitting for a young couple / visiting someone we know who is in Hospital etc.

So many ways are available to us to be of service. Many people become volunteers in the various Charitable Organisations found in communities and parishes.

There is almost an overflow of good will available, if it can be 'tapped into'. Some of us might be embarrassed to step up and offer our services / others are more than willing to put themselves 'out there' for others.

The great benefit of serving is the freedom one receives from oneself. Perhaps a cure for depression? as one man stated to me. His wife had died and he was not in the best of health. Depression set in very quickly. Then an idea came to him to offer his services. No more depression.

Thomas Merton wrote a great book called 'No man is an island'. He states how we have need for one another, just to exist as a human being

And, for the spiritual mind, Christ has asked us to love one another, as He has loved us.

Friday, November 6, 2009


Most, if not all of us, have a creative potential that is almost dormant. We want to be creative. We may even dream about being creative, yet the reality of our creative endeavours will be found in the efforts we make to follow our passions / follow what we love to do.

Perhaps it's music / painting / sports / writing. Whatever we feel in our hearts, this is our God-given talent to be embraced and developed.
God loves us very much and desires for us to be happy. One of the tangible ways of experiencing this tremendous Love will be found in our creative mind.

Ask! What do I love? Reflect, quietly for a little while.

The answer will come and so will an overflow of peace and happiness.

Listen to the Voice inside. Respond willingly, lovingly.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Today is All Saints Day and so a day for pondering on what it takes to become a saint.

On reading the lives of the saints, I find a pattern in their lives. Even though they were so different / so original, they all had a sincere love for God. This love inspired them to develop a friendship with God, someone that He could rely on to do His Will.

Am I such a person? Are you such a person? And, how do we go about becoming God's friend?

The answer would seem to be more simple than we can imagine, by asking ourselves, how do we develop a friendship with another person?

The basic principle of friendship is interest, a genuine interest in another person separate from the natural interest we have in ourselves.

My faith teaches me that God loves me. This I believe, yet there is a created need in me to love God and be concerned with His wishes.

What does He ask of us?

"Love one another, even as I love you"

This is the secret of sainthood, to love always.

Saturday, October 31, 2009


It has been said that it's the poets and dreamers who shake the world. If this is true, then dream on.

A little examination on what we dream about will show clearly if we are just a 'bag of hot air' or truly a person with a dream to fulfill.

It's easy and acceptable to be of a practical mind. We are active and productive, yet ponder awhile and think of what it is to reach for the sky, to act outside of the box, to become a dreamer of dreams.

A little knowledge of ourselves will show how easy it is to get 'stuck', to fall into a rut and so play safe with our lives. Why do we do this? Are we afraid? And of what?

A dreamer is one who reaches out towards the Creator of the Universe; interested in learning new ways, new ideas.

When we learn to reach beyond ourselves and our comfort zone, then we have a chance to dream, and move the world with our dreams.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Holy Spirit

For those with faith, the Holy Spirit is a Living Force, representing God's love for us; the Holy Trinity, Father / Son / Holy Spirit.

We can do so little without grace / without God's love moving our hearts and souls. If we only knew the truth we would be astonished at how much grace we receive each day, just to do our ordinary tasks / just to be a human, caring person.

This reality of the movement of the Holy Spirit in our lives is beyond understanding. We might just as well accept all on faith and act accordingly.

The image of God as a Father, and the Holy Spirit as the infusion of His love into our lives will give a little understanding, enough for us to respond to the graces we receive and express in our own lives this wonderful love of God.

And then, we have the Humanity of God in the life of Christ, expressing such compassion for each one of us, despite our weaknesses and failings.

Let us be whole-hearted in responding to the tremendous love of the Holy Spirit.

Saturday, October 24, 2009


Being optimistic is a choice. Some of us are drawn to a positive state of mind, while others struggle with negativity. However, the nature that God has allowed us to have, will not stop us from making positive choices.

It can be an excuse to say, 'well, that's the way I am.'

Remember, we are made in the image and likeness of God. This is our true heritage. We have a lot to be proud of, in a good sense, and also a lot to live up to.

If I am to be Christ-like, then this is the standard I set before myself. The fact that I may be imperfect and fail in many things I do, doesn't matter.

God accepts us as we are, warts n' all!

The optimistic person is one who is unafraid to face the truth about themselves. They simply turn to God and are guided by their faith.

This is optimism, a heart open to God's Love and His Will.

Monday, October 19, 2009


It's an extraordinary thing to reflect on, that God would need to be comforted by us. How could that be, the Creator of the whole universe having a need for you and me?

Perhaps the only explanation is found in the essence of LOVE itself.

He who is love has created a need in Himself for love.
An analogy that might help is found in friendship. One person loves another, and so they have a need to express and experience love with their friend. On the other hand, their friend has freedom to reject, at all times, inspirations to respond to love.

No pressure in the world can force a person to love. Such is the quality of love that it must come freely, without restraints of any kind. This is what makes love so powerful, a gift of freedom.

Imagine then, if we can, the almighty God, Father of the Universe, bowing down like a child and willing to accept the crumbs of love that we offer Him.

'Comfort me, my people.' This is God's plea to us.

Are we able to respond?

Sunday, October 18, 2009


Today is Mission Sunday. At Mass this morning, in St. Patrick's Church Wicklow, Fr. Liam spoke to us about the Divine Word Missionary order. There are 6,000 priests and 4,000 sisters scattered over 78 countries in the world. Just imagine that!

If there are eight or ten people gathered together, we have a power-house of grace. Imagine then, the graces that flow from 10, 000 souls who are dedicated to loving God and sharing their faith with others.

God is well able to move souls / move our hearts to love, and yet only if we give Him freedom to do so. Out of love for us, God has given each one of us a free-will.

God will inspire us, then we choose to respond to His inspirations OR not! Such is the power of free-will.

In one sense we would be better off without a free-will and just obey God like a slave. However, this is not the path of love. Love grows and develops in a state of freedom.

This is the missionary spirit, to love God and put His desires for us, above the desires we have for ourselves.

This magic of freedom is found in the depths of our hearts. Choose God and He will give us a true missionary spirit.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Friendship is one of the most valuable gifts we can have. How do we gain this gift of friendship ?Perhaps the simple truth is that friendship is a belief in goodness, and the ability to see that goodness in others.

Of course, the way to be open to goodness is to develop ourselves as a good person, someone who is open to, and willing to follow their heart and grow in the love of God.

This is where all friendships spring from, our relationship with He who is Love / He who is Truth / He who loves us.

A friendship with the humanity of Christ will open our hearts and teach us how to see beyond the natural. We will learn to tune into the soul of each person, and respond to the needs of our own soul. And so, friendships will blossom!

Monday, October 12, 2009


Just back from Retreat/holiday in Spain where I had the opportunity to become part of a wonderful group of people. This was a life-changing experience which has enhanced my love for people and life.
Now, adjusting to busy community life with our Cafe and Shop, here in Wicklow.

Spain presented me with so many opportunities to become part of another culture that is wrapped in sunshine and blue skies.

Of course, weather is not everything and yet there is a wonderful sense of freedom from baggage! No need for cardigans and coats. One could easily live in shorts and tee-shirts.

Making changes can begin from the outside in, or vice versa. The changes worth making are those that change our hearts and teach us how to be a more loving person.

We can begin by letting go of old ideas and prejudices. Life is too precious to waste time on negative things.

Embrace life and have an open heart to God's gentle voice, prompting us to make changes in our lives, for the better.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


This morning we listened to the tape, A Servant of Love, for meditation. It was a good reminder for me to put things in perspective and realise what is most important, to put love into all I do.

Life can be so busy, so full of things to do. We can so easily be swamped with what we believe is most important. Yet, if we were to find ourselves in a life-threatening situation, would all these things matter?

Perhaps what can make it easy is simply to focus on Christ and His love for us. He gave His life that we might live. This wonderful sacrifice is meant to move us towards a life of love, to put love into all we do.

Each day we are presented with opportunities to respond to God's love for us; to show our love for others and become a true servant of love.

Monday, September 21, 2009


Preparation comes about when we have a goal in mind and aim towards fulfilling it. At present, we are preparing a trip to Spain, a special Retreat, and so there is much to prepare.

So, easy to become anxious about what to bring / how to prepare etc.

The logical mind will make a list, outlining all that is needed, then tick off each item as it is made ready. The 'load' that is in the mind is transferred to paper. Peace follows.

This is a template for all journeys, and of course we are preparing each day for our final journey. For some of us, our journey's end may not be long away. For others, years have to pass and yet each day brings us closer to our destination, being with He who loves us, in Heaven.

Preparation is the key to peace and happiness. Each day, we start to prepare. Each day brings us closer to our destination.

What a shame, not to be prepared. Yet, our compassionate Lover allows us to start again, each day!

Friday, September 18, 2009


For those of us of a spiritual mind, we believe that Christ is the Truth as taught to us by our religion and reading of the Bible. Therefore we have a Model of what Truth is all about.

This is a simple approach to life and for those of us who are able to value simplicity, this is the answer to all difficulites. There is an answer. All we need to do is apply it!

In our Church here in Wicklow, our parish priest, Fr. Tim would often say, "What would the Narazethen do? What would Jesus do?"

So, if we are in doubt about anything, simply ask, what would Christ say? What would Christ do? Then we have a definite answer.

The Truth will set us free.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


When we examine our lives, and are truthful about our strengths and weaknesses, the answer to all difficulties is found in our efforts to love.

Love transcends all, even our failings. The efforts we make to love / to reach out and care for others, shows itself in the abundance of peace that comes our way.

The person who is willing to dedicate their life to loving will be a joyful person. Of course challenges will come as none of us are perfect (as yet), yet even then there will be a joyful response to all difficulties and an inner strength to deal with new situations.

We are created to love. Therefore the very best in us will be seen in any and all efforts we make to grow in our ability to love.

Change will happen, and we will be able to embrace all with a loving heart.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


To have a welcome heart means a willingness to care for and love others. A heart that is welcoming is open to the needs of those around them. The welcome heart is open to love.

We can learn to be a loving person by simply opening ourselves to all the opportunities that come our way each day.

Welcome to my world. Welcome to all that I am. Welcome to a sharing of God's love for each one of us.

Sunday, September 6, 2009


An open mind is one that is open to new things/ new happenings / new ideas. When we are open, we are not fixed in our thoughts or ways of doings things. We are free.

This is the goal that we can aim for, to be a free-minded person and not a victim of certain ideas or beliefs.

As a Catholic, I know and believe in the Presence of God, both in the Blessed Eucharist and also in each person I meet. God is not contained by conventional ways we may have learned.

Our job, you might say, is to discover God in all and everything that happens to us in each day of our lives. We can put labels on things and people, yet God is above our understanding. He is also living in the hearts of each one of us.

It takes an open mind to comprehend this wonderful mystery of the Presence of God. To truly believe that we possess He who is Love.

With an open mind, there will be no limits to our God-like development, our journey to God.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


We live in a world that admires and applauds strength. It's in our very survival system to aim at being strong and invincible, or so it seems.

Yet reality can be so different. The truth is that all of us are weak, in some way or other, perhaps not by choice, yet definitely by nature.

I am not perfect. You are not perfect. We are imperfect creatures, aiming at perfection. It is this interest and willingness to give all we have and do the best we can that makes us human, and also lovable.

If I can face my need to be weak / my need for weakness, then I will be able to love and reach a state of perfection in loving.

This is what life is all about. This is God's plan for each one of us, to perfect our ability to be a loving, compassionate and caring person.

So, how do I come to grips with my need for weakness?

The simple answer is to love / to face my need for love, and despite failures, continue to love.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Each day affords us opportunities to change / to learn new ways / to develop our relationships. We are presented with so many invitations and we either respond to them, or 'miss the boat'.

Opportunities come to us in various ways - through friends who make us aware of who we are and where we are, as a person. We either move towards love, or away from it.

God knocks on our door, many times. We might be aware of His Presence or we may not. Often we can be wrapped up in our own desires so that nothing and nobody reaches us.

This is a sad state of affairs, yet can be redeemed simply by changing the way we look at life. Either we are receiving opportunites to grow and develop as a loving person OR we are a victim of circumstances and so life is viewed as difficult.

An opportunity to love, responded to, will last forever. Un-ending. Such a wonderful thought. There is no limit to Love.

Sunday, August 23, 2009


It's interesting to note that our lives revolve around relationships. As a child we begin with a relationship with our parents and siblings. Then we enlarge our world of relationships with friends and relations.

Then school introduces us to both casual and particular persons with whom we build a relationship. So, on and on our lives evolve.

Yet, it's so important to be centred, and this is where our relationship with God steps in. Our lives depend on He who has created us, the Creator of the Universe.

St Augustine said, 'Our hearts are restless 'till they rest in God.'

As soon as we are centred in God, our lives begin to expand and we discover the purpose of life / of being focused and open to grace.

When you think of it, we are so individual, so unique. We learn from each other and yet we need to find ourselves, our true selves. No copy-cats allowed when it comes to facing the Truth.

This is why the spiritual life is so important. We learn to centre our lives on Truth and so learn to be just who we, a child of God.

Christ has established a loving relationship with us. Now it's up to us to develop our loving relationship with Him.

Friday, August 21, 2009


St. Paul tells us that strength is made perfect in weakness. Well, he's right!

If we spend a little while examining ourselves we will see that every time we experience weakness of some sort, an added strength follows.

This has been my experience, the other day, when I woke up with a sore throat and bad cold. My first words, 'Oh Lord, I'm in for it.' Not a very positive response, yet past memories reminded me of at least a week in bed feeling miserable.

Not so, this time. I decided to relax and work on trust in the goodness of God. Maybe I needed a rest. Good, one part of the solution taken care of, then a friend gave me an alternative medicine for 'Throat and Tonsils' which worked well. t.g.

In all, I handled my weakness positively and so the result was a positive one. I now feel much better today and able to work, and write!

The added strength that follows is an even stronger belief in a positive attitude to weakness.

In my weakness, I found my strength!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Sunday, August 16, 2009


When our Lord spoke to us, he used the example of the birds of the air and how God looks after them. So we have no need to worry. Worry is fabricated by fear. And, we have nothing to fear. God is with us on our journey.

To be as free as a bird, gliding through the air as if life only contained opportunities to play, then we have a need to trust in the goodness of He who has promised to look after us.

Look at all the missionaries who work in foreign countries, away from home and family. I think especially of my sister, Mairead FMM who helps run a Hospice and takes on the worries of the poor people who have need of help. She is an ordinary person, yet her faith is extra-ordinary because she trusts in the goodness of God and the kindness of people, then the work gets done without anxiety or worry. (maybe a little human worry... sometimes)

We can choose to be as free as a bird, flying with wings of inspiration, provided we trust that God
will lift us up to greater and greater heights of sanctity.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


To be converted, to discover and go through a transformation in our life, is mostly to do with grace and a lot of good-will.

God will always respond to our good-will. This is our proof that we are open, open to receive His help/ His graces. Sometimes, that may be all we have to offer, our good-will, yet this is what God looks for because He then knows that we have enough faith to trust in Him.

Conversion is all about us and God, a special relationship that we form with the Creator of the Universe. No other relationship will mean as much, and in fact all our relationships with family and friends etc depend on this bond we have with God.

My conversion starts each day / each hour / each moment. I convert my thoughts to God and Godly ways and come away from myself and earthy ways of seeing and doing thing.

This is what the spiritual life is all about, a conversion of us into God.

Friday, August 7, 2009


Today, being Friday, I am 'front-of-house' in our Healthy Habits Cafe. This could mean a busy day, so I am preparing as much as I can to meet the needs of customers.

This has made me realise that it is so easy to become stressed. It starts in the mind and has nothing to do with reality.

The solution seems to be, to learn to live in the moment. Each moment is so precious. What a pity if life was taken up with what might/could/should happen. This is not reality.

The wonderful thing about living in the moment is the fact that in each moment we are presented with a grace to deal the NOW.

Especially for a person of faith, the knowledge is there to help us become aware of the Presence of God and the gift of grace that is given to us, as we need it.

God is beyond generousity, and yet He is not wasteful. As we become aware of our needs, then God will provide us with all the help we need.

Live in the moment. Be a person of faith. Avail of God's help, simply by asking for it. God will never let us down.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


It occurred to me this morning, after I failed for the third time in my quest for a fully positive day, that there is energy in all we do and especially in our thoughts.

Positive energy is found in our willingness to be guided by our good-will, and learn to ignore our emotions and feelings. After all, if it rains, then my feelings may be 'damp' and dull. This can lead to a negative feeling and drag me away from having a positive outlook on life.

W!en I am positive, and work on my good-will to have a positive spirit, then I am energised with the power of the positive. I am alive!

Positive energy is almost miraculous. It lifts me beyond myself and affords me opportunities to reach out to new horizons. I become a source of encouragement both to myself and others.

What better way to love myself and love my neighbour is there?

Positive energy changes us and the world we live in.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Happy to be who we are.

I travelled to Cork, yesterday, and met interesting new people. Their lives are different to mine and yet we connected. It got me thinking, that who we are is not as important as being happy to be who we are.

A person can be an accountant / an actor / a parent / a religious etc. and yet, only those who are happy to be who they are will really be fulfilled.

God has created each one of us as a unique being. Nobody is like me / like you. We are so individual that it's almost scary, and fascinating at the same time.

What we do with our lives is up to us. We can pretend to be like another person / dress like them / talk like them etc. yet this will only make us a copy-cat.

This gift of life is precious. If I want to be a writer, then it's up to me to put the words on the page. Nobody else can do that for me.

How wonderful then it is when we fulfill our goals and meet the requirement of being happy to be a truly unique person!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Friends are so important. And often when we have images / photos of friends then we can realise, so easily how much they mean to us.

Here are a few images for me to share....


Perhaps all of life is an invitation, to change / to grow / to learn so many things. More especially, life invites us to love. This is the big challenge for most.

We may question ourselves; Do I love ? Do I know how to love? And, what holds me back from being a more loving person?

The answer to all these questions is simple; Do it! Love, love, love and continue to love.

It doesn't take rocket-science to realise that we are created to love, to reach out towards each other with a caring spirit, and let our hearts guide us.

Spiritually, we believe we are created in the image of God who is Love itself. This makes us almost God-like, and yet is would be foolish of us to imagine that we are perfect.

As soon as we think we are 'something' our weaknesses trip us up and so we begin to realise that to be God-like depends on God, not on us.

'Ask, and you shall receive.'

Fair enough. I'll ask God to help me and teach me how to love.

God invites us to love, every day of our lives. No worries. We are the pupil. He is the Teacher.

Become aware of the invitations to love / listen / learn. The Teacher is at work!

Friday, July 17, 2009


I received an e-mail attachment with a newsletter from a friend. The front page showed pictures of my sister, Mai read, who is a missionary FMM sister in Pakistan. The order run a Hospice for men, women and children of all denominations who are in need of medical assistance. They also run a Day Clinic.

I am so proud of my sister, and all the other sisters and volunteers and benefactors who help their fellow man in whatever way they can.

This is the Christian message, to see Christ is our neighbour, especially those who need assistance. My sister has dedicated her life to this work.

Who is she? Just an ordinary person who has responded to God's invitation to love others. She is not a saint, yet her response is saintly. This is what happens when we respond to grace and do God's Will.

Most of us do respond to grace / respond to love, and often we fail. Yet, God will take into account our good will. This is what matters most.

Be proud of all who love.

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Part of growing older, is the realisation that we are not as 'capable' as we were when younger. A young person races about the place (packed full of natural enzymes) and seems able to take on the world. They search for challenges, want to climb mountains etc. This is great and to be admired, yet not so wise to imitate.

The human body slows down as the years go by. However, the mind often does not slow down. Instead it escalates almost out of control, wanting to DO so much / achieve so much...

It takes courage to realise that life is about living / being in the moment. We can be impressed by achievements of others, yet it is a very wise person who can simply BE!

This is where courage takes place, when we are able and willing to be just who we are; no frills or pretence.

Can you imagine someone coming up to an artist, looking at his painting, then taking up a paint-brush and altering his masterpiece to suit their own taste.

This is what we do when we try to alter ourselves and be someone we are not. God is the Master Artist. He has created each one of us as a unique being. When we are not happy with who we are,we insult the Artist and try to alter His masterpiece.

God is happy with who we are. Let's do likewise and be our happy selves.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


I've just booked online for trip to Cork re Arts Theatre. This was a new 'adventure' for me, finding my way around the Internet. A few clicks and a trip is organised.
When we think back to years ago and how it was. Travel was more a necessary hardship rather than a journey to be enjoyed.
I find myself thinking of the 'real' journey we are on in life. For those of a spiritual mind, the journey is leading us towards Heaven, a union with God for all eternity.

I believe I've booked my place, and as a friend said, 'our names are written in heaven' so all I need now is to make the journey, and make it a pleasant one.

God is loving and compassionate. He leans over backwards to help us have a happy trip. The more we are open and 'connected' to His loving Will, the easier and happier we make the journey, both for ourselves and others. We are all connected.

Travel of any kind is a chance for us to create a positive, happy atmosphere.

Enjoy the journey!

Monday, July 13, 2009


I was reminded today of the benefit of depending on my Mother, Mary. Perhaps this is a very Catholic thing to do, and yet, all those who honour the life of Christ would have a love for His mother too.

This is the case with me. Because of my interest in Christ, I learned to have a high regard for Mary, the mother of Christ who is God.

When we look at the world today, we are presented with so many Shrines to the Blessed Virgin, the mother of God. This is God's way of helping us out and affording us an 'easy' way to Him.

St. Therese, the little flower, spoke of finding an easy way to God. She used the example of an elevator that helps people to reach to high places and felt that God was inspiring her to be, as a little child with Him, depending on God to lift her up because she was too little on her own.

For me, Mary is God's way of helping me to reach up to high places to be with Him.

Mary is like a door that leads to a compassionate and loving God.

He will not refuse her anything she would ask and just like a mother she asks for protection and love for her children.

Thursday, July 9, 2009


I've just had an experience of my need for patience. My computor would not work. Instead of letters I had numbers. The more I tried to correct the error, the more frustrated I became. Then I asked a friend. He had no answer for me, yet gave his time willingly while I shut down the computor and tried again.

Patiently he waited while I fumbled through the keys until, almost by accident, I realised number-lock had been pressed on.

Without his patience, I would not have had the patience to try, and try again to solve the problem. I was grateful and relieved, and enlightened.

By asking for help, I received a solution to my dilemma. Perhaps this is the case with many things that happen to us. Things so easily go wrong, and often our immediate reaction is one of impatience. We become frustrated and so enlightenment is not given to us.

Patience teaches us to relax and look for a solution, and especially ask for help / ask a friend / ask God's guidence. We will never be disappointed and always receive assistance.

Monday, July 6, 2009


My friends and I went on a journey - a break away from the norm. We set off on Sunday morning and winded up in a lovely holiday area, Ardmore Beach. This was a first for me and I was so impressed by the beauty of the place, a quaint village with all the amenities one could need when on holiday.

The Church, dedicated to St. Declan, invites visitors to come in and read about the history of the Church while spending a quiet moment of reflection.

The sea was most impressive as the waves crashed along the sandy beach. With or without sunshine, we just had to have a swim, screaming like children as the waves lifted us off our feet and carried us ashore. It was so beautiful when the sun came out, yet we had fun even when it hid behind the clouds.

In a way, we are on a journey, destined to lead us to fulfillment and peace; eternal peace. How we behave and what we do will have consequences that will mould or marr us, forever.

Enjoy the journey!

Friday, July 3, 2009


This evening at our Friday 'open-house' meditation session, I became aware of how important it is to love. I suppose all of us would like to believe that we can love, and most of us probably make good efforts towards being a loving person, yet are we capable of loving?

This is a huge question and the answer rocks my complacent security.

The truth is we cannot love. We can respond to love and to He who is LOVE. This is the best we can do, and it's okay. After all, we are an imperfect race. This we can blame on God. He created us in His image, yet has allowed us to be weak and flawed in many ways.

'How frail You had made the sons of men... '

God doesn't expect us to be perfect, loving people. He does expect us to respond to love. This way we afford God the opportunity to be as a Father to us . We supply the good-will.

God supplies the love!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Lately, I find myself very sleepy. At Mass I sleep through the priest's ceremony and try to disguise my embarrassment when I lose my balance and almost fall off the seat. I know it's to do with my 'inner-clock' change where I sometimes cannot return to a deep sleep.
It was a worry at first, then a friend encouraged me by saying that this could well be the Holy Spirit calling me to pray / to write / to read spiritual books. This I now do and am pleased to catch up on creative desires that have lingered in the background.

Life is a once-off affair. We can make the best of our time, or we can squander it by lamenting on all the things we never get around to doing. Then, we get caught up with 'doing' and have a list of 'must do'/ 'should do' items. This can be a waste of time too as we might never get around to listening to the Holy Spirit.

What a wonderful thought, to be guided by the Holy Spirit; to step out of the box and be unafraid of change.

Sunday, June 28, 2009


Through history we are faced with the challenges required of people in relation to freedom. We want so badly to be free, yet there is a price to pay.

Perhaps the first step to freedom is finding out the price we need to pay to be free. What can it be?

For some, perhaps most, the price is honest. We want something yet are so afraid to spell out our desires, and so they fester and cause us to deny the truth about ourselves and what we are passionate about.

Some good examples are found with mothers. They love their family, mad about their husband and children and want to do everything for them. Yet, is this the truth? Is there a passionate desire that at least needs to be addressed, if not implemented in their live?

Again, honesty is the key.

So, for myself, I know I need to listen to my heart and follow the dictates of love. If God has given me a passion for something, then my freedom and happiness will depend on my honesty in following my heart's desire.

Be brave and unafraid. LOVE / GOD guides us on the path of freedom.

Friday, June 26, 2009


One of the blessings of being created by God is the reality that we are unique. Even identical twins have unique personalities.. Therefore it's not unlikely that personalities can be like 'cheese and chalk' .

This is sometimes the case for me with certain persons. I'm sure I drive them bongers, and in all fairness, they can have the same effect on me.

To look at this from a purely natural point of view would be such a loss because we are more than natural. We have a spiritual side which links us to God Himself. Therefore, it is this part of us that matters most. Our spiritual side prompts us to love, and forgive, and respect, and to suffer well.

The person who is our adversary will also be our spiritual benefactor. We need them, and in a sense, they need us. So, don't let feelings or differences stand in the way of making progress, especially as regards developing our spiritual life.

God provides all the opportunities we need to become a saint. Treasure these friends of the spirit!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Today was a good day for me as I got a chance make a trip to town. I had errants to do and also met with my cousin, Carmel. This has been a long awaited meeting for both of us. Whenever one was available, the other wasn't, so we left all in our Lady's hands and she made things right today.

We had gfts to share and much to talk about. This was good and yet I realised that my giving of myself was totally inadequate. A strange feeling to realise. We communicated and I knew I was with someone who loves me. The loss seemed to be on my side.

On reflection, I realise that the greatest gift one person can share with another is the gift of love. This means that a sensitivity to Love is required in order to be guided by love.

There is a tape that Kevin made about when we give ourselves, it is not enough. We need to give God to each other. I feel on my part that I shared myself, yet perhaps held back on the sharing of God within.

I reflect on this, without guilt, and yet with a certain awareness that the spiritual life is layed in accordance with the depth of love that is present.

Dear Heart, teach us to love with a genuine and loving heart, guided by Love itself.

Friday, June 19, 2009


Today is the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. When Christ appeared to a nun, many years ago, His message was one of need - a plea from God to us to open our hearts to LOVE.

For those who have faith, even a little, it becomes apparent that God is Love. While our image of God is abstract, we can believe and have so many proofs of the Energy and Majesty of God.

And, yet we are given an image of Christ with His heart wounded by His need for our love. To understand this is almost beyond faith.

That we need God is self-evident. Our very frailty and flawed nature makes even the dullest faith aware of man's need for God.

Yet, to believe that God has a need for our love, faulty as it is, is hard to grasp. However, God has made it easy for us through His image of a Father looking after His child.

A child is helpless and unable to do so much, yet the Parent has a need to love the child, and for the child to return that love.

This is how it is with us, and God's created need for our love.

This is the message of the Sacred Heart, to respond with love, to LOVE!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


We all like a bit of comfort in our lives. For me, coming back from a holiday-retreat, I find myself with a need for comfort.

So, what is this comfort that we feel we need?

Perhaps the best answer is found in what makes us happy. And, this can be different for each person. Some people's comfort works from the outside in, and others from the inside out!

A day of bright sunshine can cause us to feel happy inside, and this is good. We are in a natural state of appreciation for the beauty of nature and the gift of sunshine.

Others are of a more inward nature. They are moved by a deeper awareness of beauty, the beauty of the soul. Their need for comfort is fulfilled by love, and loving.

All of us are created to love because we are made in the image and likeness of God who is LOVE.

This is the secret of true comfort, to develop our ability to love, and be loved.

Thursday, June 4, 2009


When it comes to being creative, it is essential to have a 'sacred' space, where we can relax and open ourselves to the inspirations that come our way.

Time is so precious. Often we need to 'come away' from our ordinary life and tune into the creative child within. This is a delicate and fragile state which needs the utmost of respect from ourselves, and others. This is where courage comes in, the courage to be who we are, without fear or complaint. When we open our hearts and respond as honestly as we are able to do, God steps into the picture and helps us out.

This loving Father will guide us beyond our natural endeavours and allow the creative child to come forward.

Be brave and unafraid. He who inspires us will direct us. Listen; respond; work well in the sacred space alloted.

Monday, June 1, 2009


We are created by God, as unique beings. My taste, and even my set of values, can be so, so different to another person.

I might believe in cleanliness being next to Godliness; another person might have no problem with the opposite. They could be absorbed in their interest in people.

One person is guided by their heart ( a very good way to be ) while another person is more of a practical nature. They see the dirty curtains. The 'heart' person sees the ray of sunshine shining through.

We are programmed with the nature we have, yet if we had a choice, then to be a 'heart' person takes highest place.

When we look at the life of Christ, we see His enormous love for people. He expanded his heart to embrace the whole world.

In our home, years ago, my mother had a picture of the Sacred Heart with rays of light coming from his loving heart/ rays of divine grace.

To put God into the picture means that we imitate His love / His compassion, and open our hearts to all, without prejudice or fear of the cost.

By loving, God is present in us.