Sunday, August 16, 2009


When our Lord spoke to us, he used the example of the birds of the air and how God looks after them. So we have no need to worry. Worry is fabricated by fear. And, we have nothing to fear. God is with us on our journey.

To be as free as a bird, gliding through the air as if life only contained opportunities to play, then we have a need to trust in the goodness of He who has promised to look after us.

Look at all the missionaries who work in foreign countries, away from home and family. I think especially of my sister, Mairead FMM who helps run a Hospice and takes on the worries of the poor people who have need of help. She is an ordinary person, yet her faith is extra-ordinary because she trusts in the goodness of God and the kindness of people, then the work gets done without anxiety or worry. (maybe a little human worry... sometimes)

We can choose to be as free as a bird, flying with wings of inspiration, provided we trust that God
will lift us up to greater and greater heights of sanctity.

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