Friday, February 23, 2018

What I like most about life...

What I like most about life is ...  CHANGE
Of course I don't always embrace change or even like ti, yet to be able to love change is such a positive approach to life.
Change happens whether we like it or not.
To love Change is different. 
This is a choice on our part i.e. my favourite cup just got smashed...  my favourite shoes leak!
My body bulges in all the wrong places / My best friend no longer likes me etc etc.
To be realistic, we are created to develop, to blossom, to decay and fade away..
Nature is a perfect example of  how change happens: Spring / Summer / Autumn / Winter.
Nature depends on change to develop and show off its beauty.
We depend on change to help us develop into a more spiritual person.
It's a constant growth, inspiring us forward until we burst with Joy!
Embrace Change.

Monday, February 19, 2018

The Heart of Ireland

It was a new experience for me to take part in the Divine Mercy Conference in RDS last weekend.
My friend, Seamus, was promoting his Celtic / Meditation music of which I am a keen fan.
What would it be like?  Who would be there and why?
The first answer I got was from watching a woman who began to open up her haversack, take out a flask and container of sandwiches and gladly partake.  
I soon noticed many like her who had travelled from all over the country to be there at the Conference. They didn't come to represent the 'Glamour' of Ireland,  no, to me they were representing the 'Heart' of Ireland.
God bless them and all of us.

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Become a Lover...

For the New Year, I've promised myself to focus on my writing skills. 
It's a good thing to have determination to stick to our goals and work each day at what we love to do.
Perhaps the emphasis is really on LOVE... 
We have a necessity, both physically and mentally to work / to apply ourselves etc.
However it's important that whatever we fill our lives with is what we love to do.
Put LOVE first.

Thursday, February 1, 2018


This morning, 1-2-2018. had a beautiful full moon.
I love to see this as I've always associated the moon with our Lady.
In the mind of a child,  I looked up at the sun and felt the warmth and power and believed this must be what God is like.
Then in the evenings when the moon appeared, looking so delicate and often shrouded in a haze that looked like lace curtains, I imagined this to represent our Lady, the Mother of God.
I suppose only in Heaven will we understand the beauty of the Universe and learn to comprehend the Mind of God which is beyond human reasoning.

How wonderful to have the Gift of Faith and believe.