Saturday, October 31, 2009


It has been said that it's the poets and dreamers who shake the world. If this is true, then dream on.

A little examination on what we dream about will show clearly if we are just a 'bag of hot air' or truly a person with a dream to fulfill.

It's easy and acceptable to be of a practical mind. We are active and productive, yet ponder awhile and think of what it is to reach for the sky, to act outside of the box, to become a dreamer of dreams.

A little knowledge of ourselves will show how easy it is to get 'stuck', to fall into a rut and so play safe with our lives. Why do we do this? Are we afraid? And of what?

A dreamer is one who reaches out towards the Creator of the Universe; interested in learning new ways, new ideas.

When we learn to reach beyond ourselves and our comfort zone, then we have a chance to dream, and move the world with our dreams.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Holy Spirit

For those with faith, the Holy Spirit is a Living Force, representing God's love for us; the Holy Trinity, Father / Son / Holy Spirit.

We can do so little without grace / without God's love moving our hearts and souls. If we only knew the truth we would be astonished at how much grace we receive each day, just to do our ordinary tasks / just to be a human, caring person.

This reality of the movement of the Holy Spirit in our lives is beyond understanding. We might just as well accept all on faith and act accordingly.

The image of God as a Father, and the Holy Spirit as the infusion of His love into our lives will give a little understanding, enough for us to respond to the graces we receive and express in our own lives this wonderful love of God.

And then, we have the Humanity of God in the life of Christ, expressing such compassion for each one of us, despite our weaknesses and failings.

Let us be whole-hearted in responding to the tremendous love of the Holy Spirit.

Saturday, October 24, 2009


Being optimistic is a choice. Some of us are drawn to a positive state of mind, while others struggle with negativity. However, the nature that God has allowed us to have, will not stop us from making positive choices.

It can be an excuse to say, 'well, that's the way I am.'

Remember, we are made in the image and likeness of God. This is our true heritage. We have a lot to be proud of, in a good sense, and also a lot to live up to.

If I am to be Christ-like, then this is the standard I set before myself. The fact that I may be imperfect and fail in many things I do, doesn't matter.

God accepts us as we are, warts n' all!

The optimistic person is one who is unafraid to face the truth about themselves. They simply turn to God and are guided by their faith.

This is optimism, a heart open to God's Love and His Will.

Monday, October 19, 2009


It's an extraordinary thing to reflect on, that God would need to be comforted by us. How could that be, the Creator of the whole universe having a need for you and me?

Perhaps the only explanation is found in the essence of LOVE itself.

He who is love has created a need in Himself for love.
An analogy that might help is found in friendship. One person loves another, and so they have a need to express and experience love with their friend. On the other hand, their friend has freedom to reject, at all times, inspirations to respond to love.

No pressure in the world can force a person to love. Such is the quality of love that it must come freely, without restraints of any kind. This is what makes love so powerful, a gift of freedom.

Imagine then, if we can, the almighty God, Father of the Universe, bowing down like a child and willing to accept the crumbs of love that we offer Him.

'Comfort me, my people.' This is God's plea to us.

Are we able to respond?

Sunday, October 18, 2009


Today is Mission Sunday. At Mass this morning, in St. Patrick's Church Wicklow, Fr. Liam spoke to us about the Divine Word Missionary order. There are 6,000 priests and 4,000 sisters scattered over 78 countries in the world. Just imagine that!

If there are eight or ten people gathered together, we have a power-house of grace. Imagine then, the graces that flow from 10, 000 souls who are dedicated to loving God and sharing their faith with others.

God is well able to move souls / move our hearts to love, and yet only if we give Him freedom to do so. Out of love for us, God has given each one of us a free-will.

God will inspire us, then we choose to respond to His inspirations OR not! Such is the power of free-will.

In one sense we would be better off without a free-will and just obey God like a slave. However, this is not the path of love. Love grows and develops in a state of freedom.

This is the missionary spirit, to love God and put His desires for us, above the desires we have for ourselves.

This magic of freedom is found in the depths of our hearts. Choose God and He will give us a true missionary spirit.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Friendship is one of the most valuable gifts we can have. How do we gain this gift of friendship ?Perhaps the simple truth is that friendship is a belief in goodness, and the ability to see that goodness in others.

Of course, the way to be open to goodness is to develop ourselves as a good person, someone who is open to, and willing to follow their heart and grow in the love of God.

This is where all friendships spring from, our relationship with He who is Love / He who is Truth / He who loves us.

A friendship with the humanity of Christ will open our hearts and teach us how to see beyond the natural. We will learn to tune into the soul of each person, and respond to the needs of our own soul. And so, friendships will blossom!

Monday, October 12, 2009


Just back from Retreat/holiday in Spain where I had the opportunity to become part of a wonderful group of people. This was a life-changing experience which has enhanced my love for people and life.
Now, adjusting to busy community life with our Cafe and Shop, here in Wicklow.

Spain presented me with so many opportunities to become part of another culture that is wrapped in sunshine and blue skies.

Of course, weather is not everything and yet there is a wonderful sense of freedom from baggage! No need for cardigans and coats. One could easily live in shorts and tee-shirts.

Making changes can begin from the outside in, or vice versa. The changes worth making are those that change our hearts and teach us how to be a more loving person.

We can begin by letting go of old ideas and prejudices. Life is too precious to waste time on negative things.

Embrace life and have an open heart to God's gentle voice, prompting us to make changes in our lives, for the better.