Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Be reconciled...

Tonight, 31-3-2015 was a night of Reconciliation where we were invited to 'clean the slate', make a good act of confession and start again, knowing and believing that God forgives us when we are sorry.
Fr. Pat was in charge, joined by eight other priest of nearby parishes. The program was a simple one where readers reminded us of our failings and also God's goodness.
Strange combination, we who are so flawed and He who is perfect, loving us and forgiving us for being weak.
How could we not begin again and feel a sense of gratitude to One who loves us so.
Now I'd like to carry this further, especially for Holy Week and become reconciled with ALL and everyone I might have a difference with.
We are all made in the Image of God.  Let's focus on this and forget about the petty differences that keep people apart.
The invitation, my invitation is to become a loving, caring person, just like Christ.

Saturday, March 28, 2015


I suppose we all get hurt at times, especially by those we look up to and respect.
We could wonder why?
Is love missing at these moments?  Has something else got in the way?
Perhaps the answer is more simple than we realise. 
Human weakness is present in each one of us and there are times when even to speak to another person is difficult, never mind being kind and loving.
We can blame God for giving us human weakness or rather allowing us to simply be weak and flawed in one way or another.
Is there a way to resolve this flaw in our nature?  What can we do?
I believe that God sees our good will and this is how we are judged in His eyes.
Then we can do the same. See behind the mask of human weakness and see the potential for good will that is inherent in each person, including ourselves.
The good will to want to love is often the best effort we can make. 
Let's be content with that.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Be of good cheer...

It has occurred to me lately that we mostly create the world we live in.
Some people are happy and able to enjoy life.  
Others would seem to always have a difficulty or things happening in their lives that causes them pain.
Of course, suffering does come at times to all of us.  We can suffer a disappointment or a health issue and so there is a cross to bear.
Perhaps it's only when we are willing to carry our cross, whatever it might be, that we become a centred and happy person.
God is not interested in burdening us with afflictions. He loves us deeply, tenderly, compassionately.
He allowed His only Son to take on our burdens.
How do we say thanks?
Being happy is one way.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Health is Wealth

My mother would often say, 'Health is Wealth'.
When I was younger and full of 'beans' this wise saying of hers didn't mean very much.
Now I can understand a little better what health is all about.
Being healthy is a great gift to have and one that takes effort on our part to make it happen.
Of course, being healthy has more to do than just being physically healthy.
Perhaps the most important health is of the mind.
Whatever goes on in our mind will always have an effect on our body and our soul too.
We are of mind / body / spirit and each plays an important role in who we are and the life we live.
Whatever choices we make in life will be either to our benefit or not.
Positive choices will help us to be healthy, wealthy and wise.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Change happens

Life is forever changing and so are we.
It's a wonderful thing to be able to change as change happens.
Sometimes it's only after the event that we realise how we could have said or done something different. We can be slow to let go and allow life to show us new and interesting ways to live.
God has such a big part in our lives.
He knows what's best for us and will patiently wait for us to respond.
Perhaps, in comparison to the Mind of God, we are like simple-minded people who don't always know what is best for us.
Yet, it is a great thing to open our heart, soul and mind to what is New.
Life is always worth living and we do ourselves a favour when we aim at doing the best we can in any given circumstance.
Be open and happy and enjoy the gift of life.