Monday, October 31, 2011

Have a wonderful day!

Whenever we go to new places and meet new people we experience a sense of adventure; we are excited by the 'new'.
And yet, each day is new. We are a new person, facing a new day and none of us can know for sure how our day will work out.
A positive attitude will help us to go forward and embrace all that happens in the gift of this new day that we are receiving.
Whatever happened yesterday is in the past. What we have now is the present moment, a magical time to re-invent ourselves.
Let's have a wonderful day!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Getting older...

In a young world, the whole idea of becoming older can be fraught with anxiety and fears of all kinds.

Yet, what does it mean to grow older? Do we become a different person, unable to respond to life in general?

Age may slow us down, yet does not prevent us from loving and caring.

In many ways, we become a better, more sensitive and gentle person because we have more life skills and experiences to help us deal with life and people in general.

Look at our Mentor, the gentle, meek and humble heart of Christ and learn from the One who is Love.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Often, when we have a job to do and have a deadline to complete it, we realise the value of time.

Time management may not be every body's gift, yet it is a skill that we can learn by appreciating the value of time.

As we grow older and the years seem to fly away, we become more focused on what is essential in our lives.

We value each hour of each day of each week, with appreciation and gratitude for the gift of life itself.

People of Faith believe that God calls us home at our best moment. This is a consoling thought.

Let's value the time given to us to prepare ourselves for the journey home to heaven.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Perhaps all of us want to be christian minded, someone who asks what would Christ do and so respond in like manner.

Yet, human nature can come into the picture and we fall short of our ideals.

How can we resolve this? What is the solution?

I believe patience is the strong point, like a backbone that keeps us erect and able to keep working, despite whatever failures may happen.

A patient mind will be able to assess each situation and find a positive solution. This does not depend on logic or understanding.

It has more to do with following our heart / listening to that little voice inside that teaches us the truth in each given situation.

After all, we are called to love, and who better to teach us than He who is Love.

Saturday, October 8, 2011


Today, I found myself working with a 'new' person with new ways of doing things that would be foreign to me.

It made me realise that often our ways of doing things are based on habits. We become comfortable in what works well for us.

Yet, as soon as we begin to share and work with others we can be surprised to learn there are different ways of doings / approaching challenges etc.

If we are quick to let go of our 'comfort zone' then what might appear disturbing can really be enlightening. We learn from others new ways to deal with life.

This makes us a better, more rounded person.

Every person we meet can be our teacher, and like-wise, our pupil.

Look outside the box and be happily surprised.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Our days can often be filled with 'pin-pricks', little happenings that cause us pain.

We are not going to die from these inconveniences, yet emotionally we can feel a certain death.

If we are wise and quick enough, we'll realise it's only our bruised ego that feels the pain.

A good help is the ability to find some humour or learning curve in what has happened.

Perhaps at times, we are the ones who cause others to feel 'pin-pricks'.

This is all part of being human...

"How frail You have made the sons (and daughters) of men!"