Sunday, December 30, 2012


Lately, I've become aware of how important it is to share,  whoever we are / whatever we have, with others.
Of course this is the centre point of our Christian faith that we love one another just as Christ loves us.
The challenge arises when we may feel our 'treasures' or our personal 'person' will not be appreciated, may even be disdained by others.
It doesn't matter.  Mother Teresa had a good take on this.
If we feel we are not understood or appreciated or loved, LOVE anyway.
The person who gives most is the one who receives most.
By sharing who we are and what we have, we allow God to step into our lives and spoil us with His Precious Love.

Sunday, December 23, 2012


Christmas is a great time to share and show our appreciation for each other.
We reach out with cards and emails and gifts.
This is good and yet, in a way is un-necessary when it comes to love, because when we love someone we show this love is our disposition towards them.
We always know when we are loved and being loved.
Also it occurred to me that grumbling is a fast way of losing peace of mind and spoiling what can be a wonderful experience, especially good relationships.
As a child I had an experience of this when I was disappointed with the present I received for Christmas.  Somehow I knew the gift had come from my parents and it hurt to think they didn't get me what I wanted, so I sulked. 
Lucky for me my mother could read me like a book and soon got me into good form again, even helping me to appreciate my new scooter.
Now I realise that it was my grumbling that made me unhappy.
This can happen with little things, and big things too.
Little grumbles are like weeds that grow in our mind. Grumble-less and we will have a happy and beautiful life.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


When it comes to living a spiritual life, the most important ingredient is Humility.
Humility is the ability to see the Truth, in who we are / what happens etc.
We are told the Truth will set us free. 
This is good to remember when we find ourselves in difficult situations or conflict of one kind or another.
Christ has told us, 'I am the Truth... '
If this is our belief then we can be led to humility by following the teachings of Christ.
And what are the teachings of Christ?
'Love one another as I have loved you... '
This is a tall order for today's world where we are encouraged to look out for ourselves, often at the expense of others.
Therefore, Humility when practised, will teach us all we need to know about Love and show us how to be Christ-like.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

The Gift of Wisdom

Living in a family / community / with friends is a great blessing.  It's hard to even take on board the amount of grace that comes with good company.
Of course, it's not always a choice to be alone and many people who are would love to live in the company of others.
This is part of the choices we make, and are made for us when we lose loved ones.  Yet, God is good and will and does inspire us to reach out to others, and vice versa.
Unless we are a perfect person there will be conflict and misunderstandings, and all this is good.
As a person we have a need to be emotionally intelligent and be able to gauge what is right and wrong.  Saying that, it is a fact that what might appear right to me could well appear wrong to someone else.
This is where Wisdom steps in. Ask for help / guidance / support.
God is not stingy, and does not hold back from helping us.  
Begin by believing we have the gift of wisdom and follow through by using it.
Reflect within and let wisdom out!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Be Honest!

To be honest is always the best policy, and yet we may fall short of being honest in many ways. I wonder why?
Perhaps it's because we don't like to face unpleasant situations.  We have a natural tendency to be a good person / to like others and to be liked by them.
This is a positive attitude, yet even so it can at times, lead to dishonesty because we want to please and be pleased.
Our desire for peace and comfort will often step in and blind us to what we know, in our heart and soul, we ought to do.
This desire to please is a good thing, yet can so easily turn into something that is not right.
Honesty demands that we are true to ourselves.  This requires a love for the truth, regardless of how we feel.
It's in our nature to avoid pain and discomfort. This can be good if we learn to interpret it the right way and realise that there is a price to pay for peace of mind.
The choice is ours to make.
It's good to remember, the Truth will set us free! 

Monday, December 3, 2012

Preparing for Christmas...

Today I began to prepare for Christmas by putting up some decorations. I must admit that this is not my favourite pastime, and yet it does put some glitter and glamour into our lives.
It is a treat to walk down Wicklow main street and admire the efforts that have been made to create a Victorian Christmas look, by the local shopkeepers etc.
Perhaps the child in each one of us does love a bit of glitter and glamour, some way to be cheerful and have fun.
So, I will renew my efforts to prepare for Christmas, on the outside, yet more importantly, on the inside too.
Have I a place of friendship and greeting for He whose birthday it is? Will I be able to add some 'spiritual' glitter and glamour to that special feast of Christmas?
Do hope so, yet see I've work to do !

Sunday, November 25, 2012


There are times when we are asked to speak, to share our point of view and what our beliefs are.
Are we able to speak with Truth about what we believe to be truthful?
Most times we can and will.  Our beliefs are so much a part of us that we speak freely and honestly.
Yet, perhaps there are times when we don't speak the truth, when we tone down our belief system to placate and please others.
If this is so, then it's good to examine what it is that prevents us from following our beliefs.
Do we believe in God?   Speak about Him, openly.
Do we believe in God's love for us?   Share that belief with others.
We are living in a world that is crying out for God's love. 
Perhaps, for some,  it's only through you and me that His Love will be experienced.
Speak the Truth, it will set us free!

Monday, November 19, 2012


To be able to be joyful is such a gift, and also a reward for positive thinking.
No matter who we are or what we do, we need a joyful spirit to carry us through the pain and anxiety that is part and parcel of normal living.
It is such an encouragement to know we can change the way we think.  We can choose to be positive about the things we don't like or make us fearful...
Life is not perfect and neither are we.
We can often see things from the wrong perspective and so feel sad and discouraged.
This is not reality. It's simply an invitation to search for a positive answer.
That's why it's such a gift to be joyful, to lift ourselves away from what is negative and focus on what is positive.
To be joyful depends a lot on others. 
Shared joy is real and lasting!

Monday, November 12, 2012


In everything we want to do there is a price to pay.
We can willingly embrace the cost of being who we are, where we are, and give with a generous heart.
We make choices.
Sometimes our choices are not the best. What can we do?
Move on.
God knows we are not perfect.  We learn a lot from our mistakes and failings, and especially we learn to move on.
If there is a price to pay, then let's pay the piper with a glad heart.
Go forward / move on!


Life is precious, a gift to be valued at all times. 
Each day we are given this gift of life and what we do with it depends totally on us.
We spend time with friends and family and we can value the time we have with them, OR we can forget to realise that these are precious moments to be savoured and appreciated.
We are told, 'We know not the day, nor the hour...' so it's important to make good use of the each day and see it as a precious gift. 
Our life can be made up of precious moments where we value the people we know and love.
Today is precious. Let's fill it with love.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Have a little Faith!

There are times when we might feel 'over-loaded' and unable to follow our heart and do what we love to do.
Stress can creep into our lives and we find ourselves going in the opposite direction to happiness.
Is there a solution?
Perhaps the simple answer is to have a little faith.  Bring God into our lives.
We have a Mentor who can guide and direct us.
What a waste NOT to ask for directions.
Take time out to pray and meditate. Focus on our ability to love.
This is the key to happiness.
Let's dump all those feelings that seem to lead nowhere and take up the challenge of becoming a loving, caring person.
This is our true potential.  Have a little Faith!

Saturday, October 20, 2012


When we are busy with life, it's a good idea to take time out and examine ourselves - what we do and why we do what we do.
The best attitude is to be able to do ALL with love.
Imperfections and failures will happen and are not that important. We are human and will be sadly reminded, at times,  of just how weak we are.
This is a blessing in disguise because when we are faced with weakness, we learn to have understanding and compassion for others.
When Christ said to Martha's sister, Mary that she had chosen the better part, He was pointing out to all of us that LOVE comes before everything else.
This is the best advice we could receive,  Do ALL with LOVE!

Thursday, October 18, 2012


Strange how being weak can be looked on as a certain failure. Perhaps this is because we don't like to be weak, maybe even despise weakness.
Such a shame if this is the case, because the greatest sign of weakness is the Cross.
Christ was an utter failure in the eyes of the world as He hung on the Cross.
He was stripped of everything, except his Love and Compassion for each one of us.
This is a great example of the power of weakness.
It is our inner strength that matters, not the exterior that tries to fit into an imperfect world.
We are created for greatness and strangely enough, it is in being weak that we conquer our fallen nature / we conquer the world. 
St. Paul knew this so well when he discovered...
            'In my weakness, I find my strength.'

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


To be gentle is a wonderful thing, especially with ourselves.  Then it will become easy to be gentle with others.
What does it take to be a gentle person?
I believe it begins with how we think; what kind of thoughts we allow into our mind.
Often our thoughts are stimulated by the environment we live in. This makes is very important to live in a positive environment where we are encouraged to think good thoughts and eliminate what is not positive.
Kind thoughts will develop us into a gentle person who cares about what is right and who is interested in putting love first.
A gentle person will take time out to reflect and be guided by the Holy Spirit who offers us protection and peace, if we want it.
It's so nice to be a gentle man, or woman!

Thursday, October 4, 2012


Being on call is a way of life for most of us, whether in family or community.
A helping hand is always needed and appreciated.
Even more important is a listening ear.  At times, we all have a need to talk and have a friendly ear to listen to us.
We may not have the answers to problems, yet often when we give our time to listen, the answer comes to the person who needs it. 
Perhaps this is a display of humility where an open heart seeks help, then God through inspiration is free to step in.
God can create miracles; nothing is impossible to Him and yet He will gladly respect our freedom by allowing us to help one another.
Being on call is being open to care / open to love.

Friday, September 28, 2012


Most things in life require some form of commitment.
If we want to learn a new craft, then we commit ourselves to going to classes or doing a study course.
If we value friendship then then we need to 'make' time for one another.  Time is so precious and so important to use it wisely.
When we are of a spiritual mind, then we need time to reflect and allow God's Presence to touch our lives.
This is why it's such a good practise to examine ourselves and be truly honest about what we are interested in, then commit!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


There are times when we may not realise the importance of being creative, of using the God-given gifts we have to make the world a better and more beautiful place.
This is where a few moments of quiet meditation and reflection will help us to become aware of beauty and goodness and open our hearts to love.
This is a beautiful world we live in.  Each one of us can increase that beauty by opening ourselves up to our inner beauty, our soul.
We are created by LOVE for love.
We are created by BEAUTY for beauty.
We are created to be creative.  Don't hold back.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Ready for Life!

It can happen, esp. when we are busy that we become taken up with preparations for the future.

Monday, September 17, 2012


When it comes to living and life in general, it's important to move forward, not back.

Whatever great happenings took place yesterday have now become history.

Any glitches / mistakes / failures etc. are the same. They all belong to the past.

It's a choice and one worth making, to move forward / 'think' forward and leave the past behind.

Life is so precious; all our wonderful memories help us in becoming a better person. We don't have to relive them. The same applies to our mistakes.

A simple act of gratitude allows us to focus on the present moment. Then we are free to move forward with our lives.

Live well!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Welcome Change!

It's possible that as we get older we find change challenging. This is normal and yet it's so positive to welcome change.

Change happens, whether we like it or not.

The positive-minded person will devise ways to welcome change.


One way is to use our faith and believe that everything happens for a good purpose. We may not understand and yet we know that God is good.

If we suffer / if pain comes our way / if we find ourselves slowing down, this is all good.

When we are young we speed along and may forget to take time out to smell the roses.

Being able to take time out and reflect is a great way to add quality to our lives.

Sometimes, less is more, so enjoy life and welcome change!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Sense of Adventure!

At the moment I'm preparing for our Positive Psychology and Creative Writing Get-a-Way. This involves work.

I'm excited about the trip which will take us to west Cork and I'll visit new places and have new experiences.

Being of a practical disposition, I find myself in work-mode while I prepare my notes etc. This is good, yet surely being creative has more to do with adventure rather than work.

Imagine a great artist spending his time worrying about how much paint he should use. If so, he'd hardly come up with a masterpiece.

A sense of adventure helps us to loosen up and use our artistic abilities to create beauty.

When we focus on beauty we are unaware of the work-load. Our minds are enthralled with the gift of creation!

Thursday, August 9, 2012


After watching the Olympic games and seeing Katie Taylor win for Ireland, it dawned on me how important it is to focus on what we want to do.

In the spiritual life, a person will focus on the goodness of God and so become aware of just how good God is. This helps us to grow in a spiritual relationship with God.

As a writer I tend to rewrite more than write. This can be a bad habit as it's so important to forge ahead and write new stuff / new ideas.

Perhaps that's why I find myself interested in poetry. A poem is like the hidden thoughts of our soul peeking out at the world.

Focus / put pen to paper and let inspiration become reality!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Love is for keeps!

The beauty of loving someone is that it is for keeps. Our hearts are set on what we love.

When we love another person we are changed. Our hearts dictate how we behave and prompts us to love more.

Being of a spiritual mind is a blessing. Then we become able to see LOVE /GOD in everything and everyone.

Our ability to love is only hindered by our minds when we dwell on what is not love.

Negative thoughts or feelings can dampen our love, yet cannot extinguish the power of love.

We are created by LOVE to love.

Saturday, July 21, 2012


Perhaps our most important job in life is to find BEAUTY in everyone and everything.

Each person is unique / each moment is new / each challenge is a new one even if we have faced it before.

Our search for beauty will lead us to love and appreciate ALL that happens in our lives.

Each day is precious when we are in pursuit of beauty.

Each person is precious when we are able to see how beautiful they are.

The soul of each person is a reflection of God.

What can be more beautiful than that!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Be Creative!

Today began with a Creative Writing Workshop which I enjoyed very much. I believe whenever we share our creativity with one another, we become a better, more able person.

I often think of artists whose paintings have become so precious, they become part of our national heritage. The same with writers who share their creative imagination with the whole of mankind.

When they are dead and buried, their creativity continues to inspire and move people, opening their hearts and minds to a world of art and beauty.

God works in mysterious ways. Whenever we are inspired to be creative, let's gladly do so.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Be Optimistic!

At present I'm reading a book by Lucy MacDonald about 'Learn to be an Optimist'.

The book contains such positive and encouraging ways to learn to be more optimistic in our lives, and especially mind-training.

No matter what kind of person we are, we can all learn to be more positive and happy.

Life will challenge us and encourage us to stretch our ability to be constructive and see the positive side to all that happens to us.

Our Faith will lend a hand, provided we use faith and acknowledge that we are dependent on a Higher Authority.

This way we learn more easily to let go of what we think and open our minds to the Greater good.

It's fun to learn, no matter what age we are.

Let's open our minds and our hearts to creating a positive world!

Thursday, June 28, 2012


Commitment is all important if and when we want to achieve something.

We can have desires and dream about many things, yet only when we commit to following our dream will something happen.

It's such a gift to be able to commit, even in small things.

For example, if we promise ourselves that we will exercise and become more fit, then it will happen.

Once we commit to a plan of action, it becomes easy to follow through and be true to ourselves.

If I want to write a story or play, then it's my commitment each day to give time to writing that will fulfill my desire.

Have the dream, then do it!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Whenever we step out of our comfort zone, we have the chance to have an adventure and do something new.

Of course we may feel nervous or apprehensive, yet that doesn't matter.

Feelings are only feelings.

What matters most is our ability to go forward and tread new ground.

Faith is a gift and we grow in maturity and spirituality when we use our faith.

A child grows by trying new things - walking - talking - learning from it's parents.

We are the same. We learn by stepping out and having an adventurous life!

Thursday, June 7, 2012


Each person we meet and know will present us with + and - according to our values and tastes.

If we are Christian-minded, then our values will see good in those who practise like-wise.

This does not make a person bad who is educated with different values.

Gandi said he would have become a Christian if only those who were Christian were more Christ-like!

Perhaps the most valuable + we can possess is Honesty.

If I am follower of Christ, then let me be so, honestly.

When I fail to live up to the exact standards of Christianity, then let me be honest and admit my failure, then happily try again.

Perfection is found in the efforts we make to love and continue to do so, despite our failures / our shortcomings etc.

Focus on each other's + and let each other's - be forgiven and forgotten.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Be Not Afraid!

The world we live in today is full of many changes; the way we live and communicate with one another / the way we dress etc.

For some people changes are exciting / others are less impressed.

Why change something that already works well? A good question.

Part of the beauty of life is that we are constantly in change mode. We develop and learn new skills / new habits / new friends.

We become aware of ourselves and others from a different perspective.

In our mind and memories we remain the little child. Yet we grow up.

Spiritual childhood is a gift that comes with our ability to accept responsibility.

Be not afraid. We have God on our side!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


I got a little shock today when we began to de-clutter our place here, making room for new improvements.

Suddenly I was made aware that my favourite armchair was no longer there. I felt homeless!

For over ten years I had a place to relax and unwind. Now it no longer existed. I was being forced to move on / find a new place to unwind and relax. I could so easily be left behind, unless I choose to move forward and open myself to all that is new!

This is my challenge and a positive one too.

I became aware of what it must be like for people who are grieving, especially for a loved one. They have been left behind and their loved ones have already made the journey we have yet to make.

How petty my loss - a comfortable armchair!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Today is new - has never been before - a time to renew oneself.

Let go old thoughts and ideas and start fresh / new ideas.

No great efforts needed, just good will.

Start again.

Embrace this new day!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Gift of each day!

To see each day as a Gift is a wonderful disposition to have. To build on this belief is the road to happiness.

Is the sun shining? Are the birds singing? Flowers in the gardens?

There are so many things that we can focus on that will help us to see the beauty of each day.

Also, the challenges that come with today will help us to grow as better people, more loving and caring.

Embrace the Gift of each day!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Give Praise!

People are so different. What is easy for one person can be quite a challenge for another.

This is what makes our world such a wonderful place to live in and be part of the changes that happen each day.

Technology is a good example. At one time, we may have been impressed with how a video worked. Now it's all DVD etc. etc.

And mobile phones. Is there anyone who doesn't have one?

The advancements in the world are nothing compared with the human soul. This is where we can make great progress in learning from one another.

To give praise where praise is due is vital if we are to open our hearts and minds and souls to the beauty of the human race.

Praise one another / Praise God!

Friday, May 18, 2012


To be at peace with oneself is a great gift and worth having, no matter what the cost.

Of course there is a price to pay for everything, especially peace of mind. This is where our determination sets in.
How much do we value our peace of mind?
Is it worth fighting for?
Be vigilant. Learn to know when our peace of mind is being disturbed, then fight with humility and honesty and love to protect this wonderful gift, our peace of mind.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

By Invitation...

Each day we receive an invitation / we are invited to care and share for each other and the world we live in.

How we respond is very individual. We can care a little / share a little. This is good, yet is it good enough?
When we look at an achiever, in Sports or Art, they don't make progress by doing 'a little'.

The invitation is put to us each day / give a little more / care a little more.
Let's make progress in making this beautiful world a better place to live in.

By invitation...

Friday, May 11, 2012


In a world of such diversity, it's good to be grounded in what matters most, the ability and good will to put love first.

We can fail in so many ways / make mistakes etc. yet all is well if we keep focused on loving.

Measure each day's success by how much we have loved.


Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Last weekend, my friend and I organised a Retreat to Donegal. We found a wonderful place, La Verna Retreat Centre which is very close to the Franciscan Friary and beautiful beach of Rossnowlagh.

The subject matter was Positive Psychology, linked with Creative Writing.

Our group had quality time to take on board these topics and exercises to put into practise the effects of allowing our creative, positive side to be uppermost in word and deed.

In truth, this is how we stand before God, knowing that we are loved always. We have every reason to be positive and happy.

Perhaps it just takes a little work on our part to bring this reality to the fore-front.

We hope all who attended the Retreat have enjoyed the experience and knowledge shared.

This is what success is all about!

Friday, April 6, 2012


We have just looked at the film, THE PASSION. Produced by BBC it is a very moving and truthful presentation of the suffering and death of Christ.

It's difficult not to be in tears as one sees how much Christ was willing to give His life to save us and redeem us from our imperfect ways.

No wonder we hurt when we don't love.

Perhaps today, Good Friday, will be a reminder to us of just how much God loves us.

'No greater love can a person have than to lay down their life for another.'

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Let Go!

To step forward, we may need to step back and learn to let go!

So many things can tie us down / attachments to people / objects / opinions etc.

We could spend our lives trying to analyse why we are the way we are, OR we can simply learn to let go and follow the promptings of grace.

God is with us all the way. We receive constant encouragement to move forward.

Let's listen to this wonderful, compassionate Voice and learn to let go of all that separates us from Love.


Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Keep trying!

Whatever it is you like to do or have a passion for, then keep at it, keep trying.

Often the difference between a loser and a winner is the fact that one keeps trying and doesn't give up.

It could be a poem we'd like to write / a story / a song / a painting / a dance / a piece of music.

Whatever is our passion and inspiration, we owe it to ourselves to continue to try / to become better at what we do.

Don't give up. Keep trying!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Let the Heart Speak!

People are so vastly different. Some people use words to communicate who they are and words can be powerful, or not.

Others are more inward in their way of communicating. They express with a smile or a touch. Words are minimal, yet meaningful.

Some are guided by their feelings. They know almost instantly when they are liked or not. Equally, they use their feelings as a means of communication.

Perhaps most of us are a mixture of words and expressions and feelings.

It's important to open our hearts to others. There is a deep love inside each one of us. A spiritually-minded person will call this Love, the Presence of God.

So, Let the heart speak!

Monday, March 19, 2012


We live in a world of beautiful confusion where each individual aims at being their best, yet are different to everybody else.

Of course we can try to fit in and become what we think others want us to be, yet this is not reality.

Reality is found where each person is able and willing to be who they are, regardless of whether they are accepted or not.

God has created each one of us in His image and likeness. A design of Perfection has been engraved on our souls.

How we live up to this amazing gift of life is up to us.

Can I truly be me? Can you truly be you?

When we have the courage to be who we are, then we shine and become a LIGHT for others.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Always be Kind!

To be kind is so rewarding, and essential if we are to develop good relationships with others.

God prompts us all the time to follow our heart and respond with kindness in every situation, no matter what.

So, why is it difficult at times to act / think / speak with kindness?

Perhaps the truth lies in the fact that we have an ego, an opinion of ourselves that gets in the way of loving kindness.

The solution is a simple one, it lies in our desire to care for others / to care enough to follow the truth in all we do.

Then kindness will flourish and we will have loving friends.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Do not judge...

When Christ spoke on earth, He warned us not to judge...

'Judge not and you shall not be judged.'

Simple to say, yet perhaps not so simple to practise.

Our neighbours and friends and family, however good they are, will challenge us. Their values and ways of doing things can be different to us.

We are invited to love, not to find fault. When we make it our business to do this then we will be able to see how beautiful each person is.

Love unites.

Sunday, March 4, 2012


To become transformed / to change ourselves requires diligence and most importantly, a goal-oriented reason for doing so.

Every sane person wants to improve and become better at what they do and who they are.

How we do this depends, firstly on how sane we are and secondly on how brave we are.

It takes courage to be different, to make changes in our lives, to change ourselves.

Transformation will take place when we are centred on what we want and more than willing to pay the price.

Yes, there is always a price to pay for becoming a happier and saner person.

The price is Love.

How we put love into our lives can be different for each person, yet will have the same results.

For the Christian-minded person, LOVE is found in a very simple way, through our belief in the Presence of God.

Remember to tune into God in our lives everyday and without great effort, we will be transformed!

Monday, February 27, 2012


In life we are called to be a balanced, reasonable person, someone who looks at the whole picture and makes intelligent choices.

To be reasonable depends on how educated we are, not just ABC's, but socially intelligent.

We have neighbours, friends, family, connections with the world at large and so it takes a sound and reasonable mind to allow the Truth to emerge.

We may often see things differently to other people. Our tastes and values can be so different, yet there is a guiding light to help us to become reasonably-minded people.

We have the gift of Faith. Let's use it.

Friday, February 24, 2012


Today, in a world of recession and so much talk about how bad things are etc. it's important to follow your dream, whatever it might be.

Are you a writer? An actor? A dancer? A landscape Gardener?

Whatever puts vitality and passion into your life, follow it. Do it!

Life is so short and what a pity for us not to have a dream, an inspiration that gives zest and fun to our lives.

We will always have our 'duties', our work and looking after those to whom we have responsibilities etc.

This is all good. Our main duty in life is to love, yet remember we also have an obligation to love ourselves truly.

Following our dream is God's way to inspire us to be happy and sane.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Be ready...

How important it is to be ready, be ready for whatever comes our way.

The insecure person will want to have everything 'under wraps' so nothing goes wrong, yet this can lead to anxiety and fear.

The secure person will prepare and therefore have confidence in their ability to deal with whatever comes their way.

This is a good approach to life, to be ready to face each day and welcome the challenges that we are faced with.

After all, what would life be like without a challenge. And the positive-minded person will know that each difficulty is also a learning curve, helping us to become a better, more rounded person.

So, be ready...


I had the opportunity to chat with two young people who have come to Ireland to experience our culture etc.

Wicklow has been their home for the past few weeks and they have so many experiences to add to their treasure of cultural wealth.

They have already travelled to many countries and will visit many more, finding work to support themselves.

They embrace the world and instead of sitting in a comfortable home and 'google' they go out and gain personal experiences of countries and people.

What a wonderful gift it is to be young at heart!