Tuesday, October 31, 2023


At times, we can be selective about what we want to do / what we want to be etc. Good questions to ask, and hopefully we will find good answers.

For myself, Pen to Paper (fingers on the keyboard) gets me going, and I often surprise myself by the results. Perhaps not quite pulitzer standard, yet enjoyable to see what the imagination and timespent can put together.

It is important to find our creative ability, whatever it might be and be honest about spending time to follow our inspirations and imagination. What a great thrill to actually surprise ourselves and even others by our creativity.

Here in Wicklow there is a project in operation inviting artists to create Murals of a kind, and in this way add colour and creativity in displaying works of Art!

This is where we allow ourselves to express our talents for the World to see. Will we receive a good response?  Only by applying ourselves will we find out.

I'm enclosing a work of art, based on an old photograth which is receiving great admiration by the people of Wicklow town, and visitors too.

Friday, October 20, 2023


 A lot of things we do and say comes from the logic of our mind. This is good, yet there is a time for us to step away from our logical selves and aim at a different way of looking at who we are, and life in general.

This is where our Heart can become the ruler of life.   'Am I able to listen to the promptings of my inner self, the inner voice that speaks of love and gratitude and caring and sharing?'

This might seem a contradiction to being logical, able and willing to respond to the daily challenges of life and what it takes to become reasonable and responsible for our actions.  There are moments of crisis when we must act to what is happening in the World at large.

However, the person who is able to listen to the promptings of the Heart, will be guided by an 'inner light' coming from the Creator of all that is wholesome and good. A certain wisdom will step in to guide and protect. 

The awareness of our Creative Self, helps us to go beyond what we know, encouraging us to become more than we are.  This spiritual awareness will lead us to a world guided by Heart-Felt Love for all that is wonderful in life.

Thursday, October 12, 2023


 'I'll do that, when I have the TIME...

We are told, TIME and TIDE wait for no one, and how true that is. Often the best of our intentions will not be enough if we are not vigilant about 'doing' rather than thinking about doing something.

This is where an awareneaa of our weaknesses can be a tremendous help. If we are able to be truly honest with ourselves, and realise how often we put things on the 'long 'finger', we will gain the ability to apply ourselves NOW, not later.

I know for myself that often I have the best of intentions to do something, or to follow an inspiration given to me in the moment, yet how easily I can put it off, until later.

Life is so precious, as Time is, so never put off until tomorrow what we can do now!

Saturday, October 7, 2023


It can happen, when one is feeling down or unwell, the answer is simply to be happy. It may not make sense, yet the very fact of aiming at being happy, and thinking happy thoughts will work to our advantage.  
Our mind can be a maze of thoughts and imagined difficulties at times, yet the very act of thinking 'happy' will put a smile on our face, and all will become well again. 

We forget that in mindset, we are like children having a bad day. It seems like the end of the world when our icecream falls or our toy is broken, yet a soon as we receive encouragement and a hug, our troubles fade away.

Perhaps this is why 'spiritual childhood' can have such power in our lives. We learn to become like a child with our loving Father, the Creator of the Universe, believing that He loves us. Then, all is well because All is Love!