Saturday, October 7, 2023


It can happen, when one is feeling down or unwell, the answer is simply to be happy. It may not make sense, yet the very fact of aiming at being happy, and thinking happy thoughts will work to our advantage.  
Our mind can be a maze of thoughts and imagined difficulties at times, yet the very act of thinking 'happy' will put a smile on our face, and all will become well again. 

We forget that in mindset, we are like children having a bad day. It seems like the end of the world when our icecream falls or our toy is broken, yet a soon as we receive encouragement and a hug, our troubles fade away.

Perhaps this is why 'spiritual childhood' can have such power in our lives. We learn to become like a child with our loving Father, the Creator of the Universe, believing that He loves us. Then, all is well because All is Love!

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