Sunday, May 26, 2019


DE-CLUTTER is a vital part of almost all of our lives.
No sooner do we 'tidy-up' and enjoy having a comfortable home/office etc. then the clutter begins to pile up again.
It can become a stress-related situation in many people's lives.
A tidy desk will allow us to move forward and follow what we are most interested in, simply to put pen to paper and write!
Being able to de-clutter is a God-send to those of us who have a habit of holding on to information and writings and half-written scripts etc.
Being a writer is a talent and a wonderful gift to have and share with others, so a disciplined mind is essential.
When it comes to writings of importance, those we feel a special love and affinity with, it's great to have the ability to de-clutter and cut out all those little darlings and trimmings that prove to be non-essential.
We can turn a mundane story or script into a winner, simply by discarding what is not needed.
Equally, we can destroy a wonderful piece of writing by losing the 'soul' of it's contents by a lack of wisdom and understanding.
Take TIME out!
I find for myself that time is necessary to fully understand the gems created in what is written. 
Often, a good editor would advice a promising writer to 'sit' on their manuscript for awhile, perhaps even a month or more.
Come to the pages with a fresh outlook as if someone else had written it.
Be bold and objective and who knows a masterpiece is being created.
Pen to Paper, write, then re-write!
Enjoy the process.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019


The luxury of having my own room comes with a price as I have learned to my cost.
Perhaps it's because what it contains is regarded as mine results in a huge conflict within myself.  Little and not so little objects creep in, especially my love for books. Not to mention clothes for special occasions ( acting etc.)
The answer to my dilemma can be solved easily if one was able to simply let go and discard my 'darlings' whatever they might be.
I guess this is what life is all about, moving forward and being open to change.
My desire to change will take time and yet I realize it only takes one step at a time, baby steps and hopefully I will run forward!  
The willingness to let go and leave room for what is essential must be done.
In a way, it's like 'dying to self' as one learns in developing a spiritual life.
Most important is having more time for one's relationship with God.
This is where Prayer and Discipline will be my saving Grace!

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Begin again...

My efforts to write a book have resulted in a huge awareness of my lack of technical skills.
I want so badly to simply put pen to paper and yet when my computer mis-behaves ( is it the computer or the operator?) I find myself lost in a world of frustration.
Do I really have something to say or am I just playing with words and fooling myself into believing that my desire to put pen to paper will result in a good, finished book!
Coming away from my frustration and discouragement, I realize that writing a book, or indeed taking on any project is a positive effort to move forward.
First and foremost I am learning about myself and my impatience in dealing with problems.  
What is life all about if not a learner's guide to self-discovery.
I can be annoyed at my inabilities OR I can become a student of life.
What better way to face the truth about ourselves than to take on a project that stretches us and forces us to become better than we are.
Patience comes with facing impatience.
Courage comes with facing our many ways of avoiding a challenge.
Knowledge comes from knuckling in and learning to overcome obstacles.
At the end of it all is the wonderful realization that one is learning to love life!

Tuesday, May 7, 2019


Courage is a great gift to have, to be able to grasp Life as presented in each moment and respond with a positive spirit.
To be a courageous person is more simple than we might think. 
How we feel does not make us who we are because how we respond actively is the person we become.
Feelings are like the weather, up and down.
We may feel afraid or unable to face certain things, yet no worries.
Courage is a positive response to each invitation presented to us.
Remember, we are never alone.
We have God with us, always.
We just need to lean on the Courage of God and move forward!

'Courage, do not stumble
though the way at night be dark
There's a Light to guide the humble
Trust in God and do the right.'