Wednesday, May 22, 2019


The luxury of having my own room comes with a price as I have learned to my cost.
Perhaps it's because what it contains is regarded as mine results in a huge conflict within myself.  Little and not so little objects creep in, especially my love for books. Not to mention clothes for special occasions ( acting etc.)
The answer to my dilemma can be solved easily if one was able to simply let go and discard my 'darlings' whatever they might be.
I guess this is what life is all about, moving forward and being open to change.
My desire to change will take time and yet I realize it only takes one step at a time, baby steps and hopefully I will run forward!  
The willingness to let go and leave room for what is essential must be done.
In a way, it's like 'dying to self' as one learns in developing a spiritual life.
Most important is having more time for one's relationship with God.
This is where Prayer and Discipline will be my saving Grace!

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