Monday, June 29, 2020

Move with the Times...

Being able to move with the times and adapt to changes that can and will happen is a wise approach to life.
It's so easy to snuggle into a state of security and safety and not want to move out and face the world and challenges that will come our way.
However, life itself will move us forward and it's good sense to adapt quickly.
The Covid 19 scare has frightened a lot of people and now they may even be afraid to leave their safe homes...
However, let's be guided by a spirit of courage and willingness to go forward.
Can we?  Will we be safe?  Perhaps yes and perhaps no and yet life is calling us to move forward and live and love and be happy.
God is always with us and we can always be with Him.

Monday, June 22, 2020

Positive versus Negative...

It would seem to be the problem in most people's lives, the battle between the Positive versus the Negative...
Being a positive person protects us from discouragement and certain failures that stem from our ego and pride.  
Of course, we are frail at times and to put it bluntly, negative.
We want to complain against wrong-doing and point out mistakes we believe others are doing.
However, complaining in itself is negative and so can rob us of our desire and efforts to be positive.
A truly positive person is one who is wise in protecting this positive spirit that allows one to be productive and forward-thinking.  
The answer to being a positive and like-able person is found in diligence and building up our awareness of when we are tempted to be negative.
When we look at the life of Christ and use Him as a guide, then we will learn to look for and find a positive solution to all that pertains to our lives.
Lets choose to be a cheerful and positive person!

Saturday, June 20, 2020

God first!

In these strange times where fear may be as prevalent as Covid 19, it's good to focus on what is most important in our lives, being a spiritual person and having a close relationship with God, our Creator.
Looking at the history of the world, even in these days,  there are so many wrongs and often injustices that one could become taken up with fighting for what is right.
Perhaps, some people are called to spear-head groups and ways that will make it easier for others and yet, most of us are called to live our faith and trust in the truth that we are guided and supported by God's Loving Hand.
Constantly, Christ asked us and encouraged us to  'Fear not...'
I ask myself, what can I do?  What can each person do alone?
Our greatest weapon is our trust and belief that God is above all and will never desert us, never let us down.
So, fear not, simply put God first in our lives and all will be well.

Thursday, June 11, 2020


It's possible for each person to realize their authenticity and become true to themselves in who they are and all that they do
It's also possible for us to be influenced by others, perhaps even those we admire and love and become false to ourselves.  
It may seem to be okay because we admire the good qualities in another person and so we want to be like them.
It's not so easy to avoid doing this because we learn so much from others and especially those we love and care about and yet, to be authentic is our calling.
Authenticity is the door to grace and inspiration.
By all means, learn from those who show us how to be a better and more loving self, yet follow the path of grace and be inspired by God to be true to the person that He has created.
In the spiritual world, we have the wonderful example of St. Francis of Assisi showing us the road to a life of Poverty and then, St. Dominic who shows us a life dedicated to Preaching the Gospel.
Their lives will always be an inspiration to read about and yet, I must be me!

Sunday, June 7, 2020


Lately, I've been a busy-bee catching up on my book and my work list and glad to be happy and healthy and thanking God for my life.
However, the other day, I felt weak and unable to manage my chores. This was not a good feeling for me and I had to take time out and rest.
Strange, how hard it can be to accept weakness. It seems to interfere with our lives and cause us to worry.
Upon reflection, I realize that Weakness is a blessing in disguise.
We learn to be more at peace with all that happens and in many ways are able to see God's Loving Hand in life itself.
Being able to link up with God's Will is where true peace of mind is found. So, now I will thank God for weakness and become more aware of just what a blessing it is to be weak. 
Our lives are in God's Loving Hands.

Monday, June 1, 2020

Social Life

Today I had my first Social Call, a good friend around for cuppa and chat.
We were both aware of social distancing and yet found it possible to be good company for one another.
Perhaps, the scare of the virus and contamination can be taken out of proportion and allow us to act more out of fear rather than love.
The best friendships are based on respect and so there is no need to be afraid, simply to respect each others need to be safe and yet sociable.
In the beginning, I found it hard not being able to hug because this would come naturally to me.  I realize now that the first step in any relationship is respect.
When we can and are able to respect one another's needs, then we have a wonderful foundation for friendship.
All else will follow and love is free to develop.
To realize how much God respects us and has given us the gift of Free Will then learning to respect others will follow naturally.