Friday, August 21, 2009


St. Paul tells us that strength is made perfect in weakness. Well, he's right!

If we spend a little while examining ourselves we will see that every time we experience weakness of some sort, an added strength follows.

This has been my experience, the other day, when I woke up with a sore throat and bad cold. My first words, 'Oh Lord, I'm in for it.' Not a very positive response, yet past memories reminded me of at least a week in bed feeling miserable.

Not so, this time. I decided to relax and work on trust in the goodness of God. Maybe I needed a rest. Good, one part of the solution taken care of, then a friend gave me an alternative medicine for 'Throat and Tonsils' which worked well. t.g.

In all, I handled my weakness positively and so the result was a positive one. I now feel much better today and able to work, and write!

The added strength that follows is an even stronger belief in a positive attitude to weakness.

In my weakness, I found my strength!

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