Tuesday, December 15, 2009


There are times when we are weak, either in mind, body or spirit. For some reason, we find ourselves without reason. Our simple approach to life is gone!

What has happened? What have we done wrong?

There are so many questions we can ask, and yet the answer is more simple than we can realise. We are simply weak.

The solution? Love to be weak, whatever form it takes. This is an ideal opportunity on our part to use our faith, to trust that God knows His job and is looking after each one of us, personally.

How can we be anxious or worry when we are so spoiled by love, by He who is Love!

Relax! Let this state of weakness do its work. After all, we are like a child in the arms of our Parent. We have nothing to fear.

When we listen to our hearts, the words we will hear are... "Lean on Me!"

This state of weakness is presented to us by God Himself, in becoming a vulnerable baby, totally dependent on Mary, His mother.

Let us do the same. Mary is there for us too.

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