Sunday, September 6, 2009


An open mind is one that is open to new things/ new happenings / new ideas. When we are open, we are not fixed in our thoughts or ways of doings things. We are free.

This is the goal that we can aim for, to be a free-minded person and not a victim of certain ideas or beliefs.

As a Catholic, I know and believe in the Presence of God, both in the Blessed Eucharist and also in each person I meet. God is not contained by conventional ways we may have learned.

Our job, you might say, is to discover God in all and everything that happens to us in each day of our lives. We can put labels on things and people, yet God is above our understanding. He is also living in the hearts of each one of us.

It takes an open mind to comprehend this wonderful mystery of the Presence of God. To truly believe that we possess He who is Love.

With an open mind, there will be no limits to our God-like development, our journey to God.

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