Monday, September 21, 2009


Preparation comes about when we have a goal in mind and aim towards fulfilling it. At present, we are preparing a trip to Spain, a special Retreat, and so there is much to prepare.

So, easy to become anxious about what to bring / how to prepare etc.

The logical mind will make a list, outlining all that is needed, then tick off each item as it is made ready. The 'load' that is in the mind is transferred to paper. Peace follows.

This is a template for all journeys, and of course we are preparing each day for our final journey. For some of us, our journey's end may not be long away. For others, years have to pass and yet each day brings us closer to our destination, being with He who loves us, in Heaven.

Preparation is the key to peace and happiness. Each day, we start to prepare. Each day brings us closer to our destination.

What a shame, not to be prepared. Yet, our compassionate Lover allows us to start again, each day!

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