Sunday, June 28, 2009


Through history we are faced with the challenges required of people in relation to freedom. We want so badly to be free, yet there is a price to pay.

Perhaps the first step to freedom is finding out the price we need to pay to be free. What can it be?

For some, perhaps most, the price is honest. We want something yet are so afraid to spell out our desires, and so they fester and cause us to deny the truth about ourselves and what we are passionate about.

Some good examples are found with mothers. They love their family, mad about their husband and children and want to do everything for them. Yet, is this the truth? Is there a passionate desire that at least needs to be addressed, if not implemented in their live?

Again, honesty is the key.

So, for myself, I know I need to listen to my heart and follow the dictates of love. If God has given me a passion for something, then my freedom and happiness will depend on my honesty in following my heart's desire.

Be brave and unafraid. LOVE / GOD guides us on the path of freedom.

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