Sunday, November 1, 2009


Today is All Saints Day and so a day for pondering on what it takes to become a saint.

On reading the lives of the saints, I find a pattern in their lives. Even though they were so different / so original, they all had a sincere love for God. This love inspired them to develop a friendship with God, someone that He could rely on to do His Will.

Am I such a person? Are you such a person? And, how do we go about becoming God's friend?

The answer would seem to be more simple than we can imagine, by asking ourselves, how do we develop a friendship with another person?

The basic principle of friendship is interest, a genuine interest in another person separate from the natural interest we have in ourselves.

My faith teaches me that God loves me. This I believe, yet there is a created need in me to love God and be concerned with His wishes.

What does He ask of us?

"Love one another, even as I love you"

This is the secret of sainthood, to love always.

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