Sunday, July 26, 2009

Happy to be who we are.

I travelled to Cork, yesterday, and met interesting new people. Their lives are different to mine and yet we connected. It got me thinking, that who we are is not as important as being happy to be who we are.

A person can be an accountant / an actor / a parent / a religious etc. and yet, only those who are happy to be who they are will really be fulfilled.

God has created each one of us as a unique being. Nobody is like me / like you. We are so individual that it's almost scary, and fascinating at the same time.

What we do with our lives is up to us. We can pretend to be like another person / dress like them / talk like them etc. yet this will only make us a copy-cat.

This gift of life is precious. If I want to be a writer, then it's up to me to put the words on the page. Nobody else can do that for me.

How wonderful then it is when we fulfill our goals and meet the requirement of being happy to be a truly unique person!

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