Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Perhaps all of life is an invitation, to change / to grow / to learn so many things. More especially, life invites us to love. This is the big challenge for most.

We may question ourselves; Do I love ? Do I know how to love? And, what holds me back from being a more loving person?

The answer to all these questions is simple; Do it! Love, love, love and continue to love.

It doesn't take rocket-science to realise that we are created to love, to reach out towards each other with a caring spirit, and let our hearts guide us.

Spiritually, we believe we are created in the image of God who is Love itself. This makes us almost God-like, and yet is would be foolish of us to imagine that we are perfect.

As soon as we think we are 'something' our weaknesses trip us up and so we begin to realise that to be God-like depends on God, not on us.

'Ask, and you shall receive.'

Fair enough. I'll ask God to help me and teach me how to love.

God invites us to love, every day of our lives. No worries. We are the pupil. He is the Teacher.

Become aware of the invitations to love / listen / learn. The Teacher is at work!

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