Thursday, October 31, 2019


Meeting and greeting others is such a big part of our lives, and rightly so.
was it Tomas Merton who wrote, 'No man is an island'.
We need and depend on others, simply to be ourselves because through our contact and relationship with other people / friends / family and even strangers, we somehow gain a knowledge of who we truly are.
This is a wonderful awareness to have and yet can be frightening too.
Are we not meant to stand alone before God and All and lose our dependence on what others think and say about us?
If Truth be known, our journey in life is that of an apprentice, learning to develop our personality and become aware of our true purpose is life.
This is made easier if one has Faith and believes that we have a Creator who loves us dearly and willingly supports every effort we make to be honest, both to ourselves and others.
When we delve into the lives of the saints and especially those who have written about themselves and offer us guidelines in how to live a good life, then we have a template / a map to guide us through life.
Believing in God can be difficult for some, especially the way in which religion may have been taught to them, yet believing in Truth is absolute!
Some of us have been spoiled by good and honest parents who taught us how to live a truth-filled life, yet all of us have equal opportunities to learn about Love and how it teaches us to be a lover of Truth!

Friday, October 25, 2019


As Shakespeare put it, 'To be, or not to be, that is the question.'
One could suppose that he is telling us to choose whatever we want to be, or else 
drift through life and be swayed by what others do and say.
When we become aware of this reality and of how much depends on ourselves in the quest for truth, then we might easily be afraid.
This is where our Faith guides us along the path of Truth and we remember the words of Christ... 'I am the Way, the Truth and the Life...'
Why choose to worry when we have a Mentor who willingly guides and helps us on the journey of life.
Allow quiet time to listen to He who has all the answers.
Just be!

Tuesday, October 15, 2019


A new Saint has been recognized, a man who worked very hard to foster the Faith of young people in Ireland by laying the foundation for a Catholic University.
Saint John Henry Newman was a man who always followed the Truth, however hard that might be.  He was a well-known Anglican priest, a good man.
It was difficult for him to become a Catholic, yet his search for truth left him with no alternative.  He had found the full Truth of Christ.
Being a quiet and unassuming person, he is not as well known as other saints, yet already he is held responsible for two known miracles.
If the full Truth were known, this elderly, academic man is responsible for helping to save the Faith in Ireland.  
Perhaps, now more than ever, we need his help. A gentle prayer sent in his direction will work wonders, depending of course on our belief in miracles.

Sunday, October 13, 2019


A trip to Donegal was presented to me. In company with my sister, Mairead,
we traveled by McGinley coach from Parnell Square via Monaghan and Derry to Carndonagh, up near Malin Head.
This is a fine way to see how beautiful and green Ireland is, especially through the county of Monaghan,  however, perhaps more enjoyable in summertime.
The Atlantic way through Donegal is wild and wonderful!
Carndonagh is a nice town with a beautiful Church and friendly people.
We battled our way up to Mass the next morning while rain and wind did its best to put us off. Ah, but we were brave souls and put up a good fight even though our umbrellas didn't make it.
Time was well spent with our cousins, bringing back happy memories of years ago and an awareness of how fast time moves on. 
We visited Moville and stopped in Greencastle; an opportunity to take photos.
As a child, my visits to Donegal took place during the summer holidays.
The Wild Atlantic Way definitely lives up to it's name.  A good challenge for hardy people!

Thursday, October 3, 2019


Last Sunday I made a pilgrimage to Knock with family and friends.
It was the yearly trip from Cabra Parish and a first time for me to do so.
What an experience it was and I look forward to do so again, God willing.
A special day for Knock and buses came from all over the country, almost every county was represented. It was jam-packed!
I had never see such crowds, not even in Fatima.  We battled with the crowds to find seats in the Basilica, which holds 5,000 plus!
Our discomfort was out-weighed by our delight and encouragement to witness
so many people willing and able to show their love for our Blessed Mother, Mary the Queen of Knock.
Of course the bus trip home was a delight, only time for one rosary recited by grateful hearts; a stop for a lovely meal in Athlone and a sing-song afterwards to lighten our spirits.  What a day! 
On reflection, I realize how important it is to share ourselves and our Faith with
each other.