Sunday, January 14, 2024


 'Joy so lies in the doing... ' a good quote from Shakesphere, so I believe, full of wisdom and honesty.  When one is able to do exactly what one is meant to do, then Joy will be the reward.

We love to feel joyful and enjoy all that we do, and how we are and who we are, yet life is not that simple.  Feelings can be deceiving and may eventually lead us astray.

Of course, we receive so many moments of joy in our lives, a mother with her children / a job well done / a love coming straight from the heart.  Oh yes, life is full of moments of joy and if we have any sense at all, we will seek them out and be Joyful!

True Joy is found in our belief system. When I truly believe that who I am and what I am doing is correct, especially in the Eyes of God, then I am filled with Joy.

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

THERAPY through Writing, creatively

Therapy through Writing Creatively can be a great means of avoiding stress and worry which seems to be a huge problem, especially in Today's World.

Problem solving comes about when we realise that most difficulties are created in the Mind which blocks our ability to move forward and focus on solving whatever difficulties we are faced with.  The answer can be a simple one, to apply pen to paper and write creatively about whatever is disturbing our peace of mind.

Creative writing lends awareness to the workings of the Mind, especially our imagination, which often allows us to become fearful instead of mindful. If we imagine our Mind to be a powerful machine which responds to whatever information we put into it, then we can examine and give thoughtful and meaningful time to all that is going on inside this wonderful creative machine, our Mind.

This is where careful examination and a lot of good common sense will guide us to a more Positive Mindset.  Now we are free to use our imagination creatively, and become the writer we desire to be.  

The following steps to take will require time and patience.  Finding a place where we can relax and take time out to uncover the workings of our mind, and then find a remedy for old habits that often cause us to lose confidence in our ability to become a truly Positive Person!