Friday, December 28, 2018

A Caring Heart...

We live in a world that is wonderful and yet flawed, just as we ourselves are.
Perhaps it's our uniqueness that makes us so special and yet can cause conflict with others.  We are created to love and to care for each other and yet, do we?
Our failures as regards love can often be simple misunderstandings or our ability not to see or feel how another person sees and feels.
It seems to me that what makes most sense is to have a caring heart.
When we care for one another then we will learn to love one another.
Mistakes happen and we may not understand another person's point of view.
However, once we have a caring heart, then all will be well, and all is well.

Tuesday, December 25, 2018


The value of quiet time is self-evident. Just watch a mother with her child, holding, touching, looking… no words are necessary. This quiet time is enveloped in love.
For most of us in our busy lives, we may forget the value of taking time out to appreciate those we love. No expensive presents are needed. The gift we give is ourselves, our time, our interest.
In the spiritual life, we are invited to take time out, for ourselves. To show appreciation for the gift of life, the uniqueness of our being, how special we are. Strangely enough, it’s only when we are loving, in giving and doing that we learn to appreciate the value of our own uniqueness. We are special, a once-off masterpiece, created by the Master himself.

Preparing for Christmas

It's possible that every home in the Country will be preparing for Christmas.
The big question will center on shopping and what to buy for those we love.
Yet, it's good to think about the whole purpose of Christmas time, to remember that we are celebrating a Birthday, the birth of the Infant Child.
If we are fortunate enough to have a Crib in our home or Church then we have a centre-point
to help us focus on Christ coming into the world to be our guide and yet, why come as a baby?
Surely the world needs a Leader who can help us to know right from wrong and stand up for all that is good and honorable?
Yes, we have a need for leadership and strangely enough the Infant Child is the best example that we can have.  Someone who is not afraid to be vulnerable, coming as a baby totally
needful for everything and trusting that mankind will respond to His Father's love for them.
Am I willing to be one of these people?
Good to know we become who and what we love.

Christmas Day 2018

How time flies, already Christmas day has come and such a joy to celebrate with friends the Birth of Christ.
It's such a mystery that God presents Himself as a vulnerable Infant Child, totally dependent on His Mother and husband Joseph to take care of Him.
The love of a mother is known and lauded by the World and yet, Mary was very young and she and Joseph had to travel to Bethlehem to be registered without thought of Mary's condition and how long the journey would take.
They came to Bethlehem as strangers and had to beg for a place to stay.  The Inn was full, yet some kind person told them about the stable. The manger became the cradle and a cow and donkey became their means of keeping warm.  
How did Mary manage?  Had they any food?  Questions we can only ask and hope the arrival of the shepherds who came to adore the Infant Child, could also help the Blessed Virgin. We know the story without full reality.
Perhaps, Divine Intervention through Angelic persons were there to assist too.
What impresses me most is God's love in sending His Son to help save the world. Thank you God!

Friday, December 21, 2018

The Shortest Day

Today, 21st December 2018 is the shortest day of the year.
From now on the days can only get longer and yet it's really what we put into our day that makes it long or short.
If I sit dreaming about writing , then at the end of the day, I only have my dream of writing.
When I put pen to paper ( fingers to the keyboard) then I begin to make progress.
I become productive.
Life is all about being productive and having regard and value on our time.
Without pressure, we can achieve a lot and be happy with ourselves.
Perhaps this is the secret of a happy life, value each moment and give of our best.

Saturday, December 8, 2018

A Mother's Love...

This day 8th December, so many years ago, my mother passed away. She was forty eight years old and the mother of eight children.
It was a great loss to the family as my father had died less than two years previous, yet we survived thank God.  We needed each other and therefore supported each other as best we could.
The family will celebrate both parents with an anniversary Mass R.I.P. and use this opportunity to come together with lunch and memories.
The feast of our Lady of the Immaculate Conception is celebrated by the Church today and I feel such a bond between my two mothers,  knowing that I will always be loved by them
A Mother's love is such a blessing.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Respond prositively

A little experience I've had lately has taught me a lot...
I felt under pressure and reacted to the situation which did not help at all.
On reflection, I realised that the situation called for a positive response.
In good time I learned to do this and the pressure I felt disappeared like hot air!
A good lesson to learn and hopefully to practise more in future, always to respond

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

A Positive Spirit

Having a Positive Spirit depends on the choices we make.
We might be tempted to veer away from being positive, yet a quiet moment of reflection 
will guide us back to our positive spirit.
Such a gift to be true to ourselves and guided by our Positive Spirit always.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Check in...

If we have Someone who represents the Truth for us, then it's very important to 'check in' and make sure that we are on the right track / following the right directions in our lives.
We can so easily go astray and be misguided.   The world at large is full of temptations that seem to be okay, yet in our inner selves we know what's right.
To do what's right may be a challenge and yet the wonderful feeling and self-goodness is worth any sacrifice.
Let's do what's right and make it a habit to 'check in' and have the comfort and guidance that comes from He who loves us.

Sunday, November 4, 2018


I've become aware lately of the difficulty it can me to have trust, even in those we love.
Of course we may want to say... I do / I do!  and yet when push comes to shove, we can fail.
LOVE shines brightest when we are willing and able to trust each other, whatever the circumstances.  Hurts will come and doubts and even pride, yet when love is uppermost, then we have nothing to fear and every reason for trusting in those we love.
That's how and why it can be easy to love God.
With even a little Faith we become aware of how much God loves us.
Next step is for us to return that love with love.
This is a blessing to have because then we can grow in love for God and for each other.
'Trust in Me...'

Sunday, October 28, 2018


Earlier this week, I had the wonderful opportunity to visit Knock and spend time in the company of my Spiritual Mother.
It was a form of Retreat and yet I felt myself going forward not backward.
From my earliest days I've experienced help and encouragement coming from a source outside myself and I believe it is the Blessed Virgin Mary, who has been looking after me and family and friends, always.
Strange to have such a friend and yet not always feel close to Her...
It's an honour to have her as my Spiritual Mother and  realise how much closer I could be.
Mary is always close to us and we have only to look at the world and all the places she visits in her
efforts to bring us close to God.
Perhaps now is a good reminder to me and to all of us to build up a loving relationship with our
Heavenly Mother, our Lady full of Grace.

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Go with the Flow...

Life can be simple or complicated.  A lot depends on how we look at life...
Do I see a beautiful world occupied by beautiful people, OR  am I taken up with the flaws and weaknesses in human kind.
Leonard Coan's song comes to mind... the cracks in human kind is where the love gets in.
The person who can learn to somehow put love into everything they do is happiest person in the world.
It's more simple than we might imagine...  a little patience / compassion / understanding are the secret of a happy life.
One step at a time. No hurry / no worry, just love.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Be a Hero...

It's easy to be ordinary... never to stick out or cause a fuss and yet, life can present challenges.
What does one do when faced with a challenge to stand up and be counted?
In Ireland and perhaps many other countries, people have moved away from being 'ordinary'.
We have so much knowledge and information that in a sense, we could and some do, change the world.
Am I such a person?  Am I willing to stand up and be counted for what I believe?
Is God important in my life and why?
This is a great time for all of us who have faith and believe in God the Father / the Son and the Holy Spirit.  We have enough knowledge and faith to save the world.
All we have to do is become a Hero and stand up for what we believe!

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Power of the Written Word...

Sometimes we can be inspired in relation to some topic of common interest and yet...
Do we write it down?   Do we even put down a point of interest?
I wonder how it was for Dickens when he became aware of the awful poverty that was prevalent in
London in his time?
Did he write it down?  Oh, yes. He did even more.  He wrote stories that people were interested in reading which highlighting this shameful poverty where people lived in squalor and died of starvation and others lived in beautiful homes with servants to look after their needs and desires.
Dickens has taught us the Power of the Written Word and his stories have allowed the world to know what it was like to live in his day.
Today we are experiencing this very poverty where people are starving for proper, healthy food and a place to call home.
We may look at people and be tempted to blame them for not being more practical or willing to endure a hardship where their right to a decent life is questioned.
A lot of mothers would rather walk the streets with their little ones than follow the alternative of life in a violent home.
We all have stories to tell.  Let them speak for those who are unable to write them
The Power of the Written Word... 

Tuesday, August 28, 2018


On Sunday 26th August 2018, I became a Pilgrim along with thousands of other Irish people.
We were a strange motley of persons from OAP's / families / babies / religious; you name it, 
we were there in great spirits and willing and able to endure the long trek to the Pope's Cross in the Phoenix Park.
A prayerful excitement filled many hearts as we took our places and then went wild when 
Pope Francis came along in the Pope mobile. I screamed with delight when he came close and followed his journey around on the huge screen in front of the magnificent Altar.
He spoke with great reverence and asked for forgiveness for the many wrongs which have taken place in the Church where fallen humanity has stood in the way of  compassion and love.
Pope Francis spoke strongly about the need in the world today for Love./ for God to be present in our daily lives.
I found myself thinking of the woman in the Bible who was accused of adultery and the angry crowd who wanted to stone her to death...
Christ said, ' Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone.'
Little by little, they all walked away.
Christ said, ' Has no one condemned thee?  Neither do I.  Go and sin no more.'
Great Lesson for today where there is such a hunger for blame and such a lack of forgiveness.

Friday, August 17, 2018


I was given the opportunity to see the Film on the Pope, ' Pope Francis, a man of his word '.
This is a man I have great admiration for and pray for him because he carries the responsibility of the future of the Catholic church.  Then I ask myself, 'Why?'
Why has all this responsibility been put on the shoulders of one man?
The answer is simple. The world needs a leader who is able and willing to take on the role of Christ on earth.  He represents  the God of Truth.
'I am the Way, the Truth and the Light...'
It's such a spiritual comfort for me to know that God is close to us and working through all people of good will to save the world from the power of the devil.
We, all of us, are flawed in some way or other. Even the best of good will does not diminish the fact that we are imperfect and fail and make mistakes.  
God understands our weak nature and supports us throughout our lives, if we let Him.
We have a free will, the freedom to choose love instead of hate.
Pope Francis travels the world with this message of hope, insuring us that God is with us.
His great message to the world is ,  'Choose love.  Regard ALL as our brothers and sisters...'
I strongly recommend a visit to the cinema and see this inspiring film.
God bless Pope Francis.

Sunday, August 12, 2018


As a child, I was told, Prayer is a rising up of the heart and soul to God...
I believe this and yet prayer is not always 'available' in my mind-set.
It's so much easier to talk to someone, face to face and be able to read the effect of our words on their face and body language.
When it comes to talking to God, the effect depends on the state of our soul and how strong our belief system is in relation to the Presence of God.
Simple Faith takes simple efforts.
However, Faith is not always simple.  We are complex human beings with mind/ body and spirit.
Some of the saints were even quoted as saying.  'The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.'
Perhaps, the answer to prayer is simply to pray and hold on to our innocent and almost childlike belief in the Goodness of God.
let's raise our hearts and souls to God as best we can.

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Thy Will be done...

A disappointment came our way.  A wise friend said, if God wants something to happen, then it will.
A few days later we were surprised with a positive letter, apologising for the disappointment.
Now all is well.
It made me realise that all we need is a little Faith.  Leave all in God's Hands, then simply do the best we can.
What a wonderful, positive approach to life.  Replace our anxieties and worries with Faith, 
Then we can understand the wisdom of St. Julian, "All is well and all will be well."

Wednesday, July 25, 2018


Challenges come into our lives, at times when we don't want them.
We may prefer a life of certain comfort and peace, without disturbance.
However, true peace of mind comes when we are willing to accept the challenges and changes that come our way.
To be willing to accept is quite a big step.  Then the willingness to accept gracefully follows.
When we are willing and able to accept the uninvited 'invitations'  with peace, then we become open to the Grace of God. 
Perhaps, this is the secret of happiness and true peace of mind, simply to accept these wonderful invitations specially chosen by God for us.
What we are invited to do is accept the Will of a loving God.

Monday, July 23, 2018


To have INTEGRITY is to have a pure and honest heart, a willingness to grow in awareness of what is right and wrong in each situation we find ourselves in.
Perhaps, when we fail at being a person of integrity then we allow ourselves to be guided by the values and interests of others.  This is an easy mistake to make and yet deep within ourselves we know what is right and wrong.
Next step in being a person of integrity is to have the courage to do what we believe to be right,even at the cost of standing alone.
Good friends are essential if one is determined to be a person of good character.  We are so easily swayed by the values of the world and the environment we live in.  
A priest I knew was in the habit of saying... ' What would Christ do?'
Then in the quiet moments of our lives, we can simply say, ' I want to be a person of integrity!'
We will become what we want to be.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018


Somewhere I read that being diligent is a sign of good character, someone to trust.
I believe this is true because when a person is diligent, they will and do apply themselves to whatever is needed to be done.
In a family or in a community, it's a practical requirement to be as diligent as we can be and step in whenever there is a helping hand needed.
Well, in today's world, the Church is in need of helpers, people who will be diligent and helpful in a most positive way.
If we cannot offer a positive helping hand, then it may be better to wait and pray and then in time, allow ourselves to be moved by Grace.
God knows our weaknesses and allows for us being unable and even unwilling to step up to the mark.
However, if we truly believe ourselves to be people of Faith, then we will be ready and willing to be of assistance..
The Grace will come and all we have to do is go with the flow and let God move us and guide us.
Let us be diligent in listening to the inspirations that come our way and respond with a willing heart.
God loves a generous giver, as does the whole world!

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Step forward...

Life can be easy or hard, depending on how we look at it and the efforts we make to be happy.
For some people life will always be a challenge and challenges can be good.
We can choose to accept them as a positive step forward in becoming a fulfilled person.
I believe that we are meant to be centred on God, our Creator.
Then it becomes easy to step forward with our lives and respond to the many invitations that come our way.
We might well be astonished to realise how much we are receiving every day.
To those who are of a spiritual mind, life becomes an exciting adventure in learning to live as a  loving person.
It's a choice and we are free to choose, to believe and be moved by the Power of Love.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018


I lost something of importance which caused worry and concern. 
I was disappointed  and accused myself of being careless which didn't help.  
I shared my loss with a friend who reminded my of celebrating failure.  
Celebrate failure of being careless?  We did and I was able to let go of my loss,  at least in my mind.
Next I received a gift, a new handbag !  Such a loving gesture and I was reminded of how abundant
God is and how we can be with each other.
To finish my story, I found what I had lost and now realise how much I have gained .
I feel like the lost lamb who received all the love and compassion of the Shepard!

Wednesday, May 9, 2018


Adventure is often sought in many ways;  we like to do new things / go to new places / meet new people etc.
I wonder, is that what adventure is all about?
New things / places / people can lead to new experiences and will add a sense of adventure to our lives; and yet, often the best adventures come when we delve into a spiritual life and begin to gain knowledge of ourselves and what our purpose in life is all about.
Perhaps the best adventures take place when we go 'inside ourselves' and discover the wonder and beauty of the soul.
We can be beautiful or not  / intelligent or not /  gifted or not.  It really doesn't matter.
What matters most is how we connect with the 'inner us' and grow in awareness of the beauty of God within.

Monday, April 30, 2018


We are and will be challenged in life; for some, the challenges can be enormous.
For others it can appear as if life is just a happy event with very little obstacles to be overcome.
The Truth of Life is that we are all faced with the challenge of overcoming ourselves; our imperfect nature and learn to be a loving and caring person.
It would be wonderful if it came easy for us to change and simply accept the challenges that invite us to grow and develop, able and willing to live by what is truthful.
Is it possible?  
Can we live by what is truthful, always?
I believe LIFE is an adventure, teaching us how to reach for all that is good and beautiful.
Of course we fail and often don't even know where we are failing...
God is good.  Like a loving Father, God will prompt us and guide us and help us to be a whole and loving person.
How this comes about is through the challenges that come into our lives.
How we respond is up to us; the good choices we make will form us into this loving/caring person.
Let's respect and have an open mind to each challenge as it is presented to us.
Work with God!

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Be Happy...

It can happen in life that we become so focused on who we want to be / where we want to be etc. that we forget to be happy...
Could it be a misplaced mindset that becoming and doing mean more than being, simply being a happy person.
Living a spiritual life would seem to be laced with challenges and yet, we have the wisdom of saintly persons advising us to be child-like!
Perhaps this is the invitation to look for and respond,  to enjoy life and be happy, just like a child.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

A Spiritual Mind

Developing a spiritual mind presents us with an invitation to look at life from a new perspective.
Does God exist?
Is God a loving Person who cares about each one of us?
Are we interested in knowing about this God of Love?
How can we be in touch with this Divine Person?
For some, this might seem unreal and yet, in each one of us is a desire to know and love God.
St. Augustine was a young, intelligent man who loved learning and loved life.
When he became aware of the Presence of God, he was dumb-founded.
He is quoted as saying, 'Thou hast made us for Thyself, O Lord and our hearts are restless till they rest in Thee.'
The saints have come to experience this reality of being one with God, an invitation that is offered to each one of us by our interest in  having a spiritual mind.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018


We are told, 'Forgive and you will be forgiven..'
This is good advice and yet, what happens if we don't know that we need forgiveness?
Perhaps a lot happens in our lives and we may not even be aware of  our faults and failings.
Our unawareness does not excuse us and yet we know that we are forgiven.
Christ, in agony on the Cross, said  'Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.'
The key to forgiveness would seem to lie in our growing awareness of how much we are forgiven.
Then we are able and willing to forgive others.

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Give it all you've got!

Whenever we do something, we have a choice to give it all we've got, or not!
What brought this to mind with me was my attempt to clean the windows, a job I like to do and enjoy the result.
With limited time, I decided to take a few short cuts, work more quickly and stretch instead of using a ladder.  The result was okay, but not great.
A lesson learned, I hope.  
When it comes to do anything, we can decide to give it all we've got!
I guess, this applies to all walks of life, especially when it comes to our spiritual life.
If we decide to give time to prayer or meditation, we can choose to give it our full attention, and
give it all we've got!

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Saint Patrick...

Today is Saint Patrick's day, 17th March and a special day here in Ireland and so many places all over the world where Irish people live.
I watched the Parade taking place in Dublin and was impressed with the bright colours and talents of all the people who took part, especially on such a cold, wintry day.
Yet, a part of me was sad....  This day is celebrating a man who helped to bring the Faith to Ireland many years ago.  He was brave, coming back to a country where he had been treated as a slave.
It was his love for the Irish people that prompted him to dedicate his life, sharing his Faith and his love for God with us.
Strange, at the Parade, no mention of Patrick the Saint...  
I wonder have we forgotten to be grateful for the gift of Faith.
Do we still value this Gift?

Wednesday, March 14, 2018


'In Wisdom You have made them all...'
A line from the book of Psalms which tells us that God has created us in Wisdom and with Wisdom,
a great knowledge to know and believe in.
In our lives there are many decisions and choices to make and when we are 'connected' to this wonderful gift of wisdom then we will and do make the right choices.
There is a childhood prayer that also comes to mind...
'Come Oh Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of the faithful...'
We are surrounded by a spiritual world of willing helpers, it would it foolish not to avail of the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit!

Saturday, March 3, 2018


After being confined indoors for the past few days, thanks to Storm Emma, the whole concept of freedom comes to mind.
Freedom is the ability to go forward with our lives, depending on health of mind and body.
We gain an awareness of the value of freedom when we feel unable to do what we would like, especially when the forces of nature seem to imprison us.
All this is true and yet freedom is the ability to be true to ourselves and our beliefs.
Here in Ireland we have the freedom to follow our Faith and be true to our beliefs.
God doesn't over-burden us with commands that we cannot practise.
The greatest commandment of all is to Love one another.
We have the freedom and the ability to love.  All we need to do is put it into practise.

Friday, March 2, 2018

Blanket of Snow

Today is 2nd March 2018 and Wicklow is covered with a blanket of Snow!
Code red alert to all the country and a constant blizzard as the falling snow is pushed forward in an easterly direction, just as the Weather people say.
Beautiful to look at and to admire the 'lace' curtains on the outside of the windows as we sit in the comfort of our home.
Such a delight to be warm and yet free to admire the force of nature, with constant snow falling.
I wonder how it must have been for people years ago who had to travel in the snow just to survive.
Perhaps we have become a 'soft' nation, used to our comforts and having a warm place to live.
And yet, what are children looking for?  Sleighs so they can get out in the snow and have fun!
The child in each one of us is looking forward to dress up in wellies and raincoats and enjoy this strange and beautiful weather.
 Keep warm and keep happy and a big thank you to our Divine Provider.


Friday, February 23, 2018

What I like most about life...

What I like most about life is ...  CHANGE
Of course I don't always embrace change or even like ti, yet to be able to love change is such a positive approach to life.
Change happens whether we like it or not.
To love Change is different. 
This is a choice on our part i.e. my favourite cup just got smashed...  my favourite shoes leak!
My body bulges in all the wrong places / My best friend no longer likes me etc etc.
To be realistic, we are created to develop, to blossom, to decay and fade away..
Nature is a perfect example of  how change happens: Spring / Summer / Autumn / Winter.
Nature depends on change to develop and show off its beauty.
We depend on change to help us develop into a more spiritual person.
It's a constant growth, inspiring us forward until we burst with Joy!
Embrace Change.

Monday, February 19, 2018

The Heart of Ireland

It was a new experience for me to take part in the Divine Mercy Conference in RDS last weekend.
My friend, Seamus, was promoting his Celtic / Meditation music of which I am a keen fan.
What would it be like?  Who would be there and why?
The first answer I got was from watching a woman who began to open up her haversack, take out a flask and container of sandwiches and gladly partake.  
I soon noticed many like her who had travelled from all over the country to be there at the Conference. They didn't come to represent the 'Glamour' of Ireland,  no, to me they were representing the 'Heart' of Ireland.
God bless them and all of us.

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Become a Lover...

For the New Year, I've promised myself to focus on my writing skills. 
It's a good thing to have determination to stick to our goals and work each day at what we love to do.
Perhaps the emphasis is really on LOVE... 
We have a necessity, both physically and mentally to work / to apply ourselves etc.
However it's important that whatever we fill our lives with is what we love to do.
Put LOVE first.

Thursday, February 1, 2018


This morning, 1-2-2018. had a beautiful full moon.
I love to see this as I've always associated the moon with our Lady.
In the mind of a child,  I looked up at the sun and felt the warmth and power and believed this must be what God is like.
Then in the evenings when the moon appeared, looking so delicate and often shrouded in a haze that looked like lace curtains, I imagined this to represent our Lady, the Mother of God.
I suppose only in Heaven will we understand the beauty of the Universe and learn to comprehend the Mind of God which is beyond human reasoning.

How wonderful to have the Gift of Faith and believe.

Saturday, January 27, 2018


Compassion...  with passion...  is essential in building up strong and true relationships.
We all have this ability to care for and look out for each other and yet, there would seem to be a lack of compassion in this great yet complex world of ours.
Perhaps the answer lies in being honest and realising that each one of us is flawed in some way or other.
St. Paul is quoted as saying... ' The good I wish to do, I do not.  The evil I wish not, I do.'
I could say the same myself because we are like two persons, a natural self and a spiritual self.
With reflection and a desire to do good and be an honest person, our spiritual self in put in control.
We have an inner strength to overcome our natural and flawed self.
The choice is always ours.
God doesn't force us to be a compassionate and loving person.
We will be prompted and guided by good example and the efforts we make to overcome our failings.
And yet, it's good that we fail at times because then we learn to understand the failings of others and develop a compassionate heart.
We will become what we want to be.  Our good will will guide us and the efforts we make will do the rest, always with Divine Guidance..

Thursday, January 25, 2018

New Year Resolutions

It's a habit of mine to make New Year Resolutions and hopefully follow through with my endeavour to be faithful each day of the opportunities that will come my way.
Being honest, especially to myself is a good start.
Being kind even when understanding has to be put aside.
Awareness of others and their needs which could mean putting my own needs on hold.
And of course, my relationship with my Redeemer.  To make this a daily happening.
I believe that God loves each and every one of us and that we are prompted to respond to His love by loving one another.  Not always an easy task, yet very fulfilling.
Being happy ought to be on the top of our list and will be when we respond to Love.

Thursday, January 18, 2018


Home is where the heart is....
This I do believe very much.  
My break-away in the sun was wonderful and yet...  I do my home / my friends/ my country.
I didn't expect to come home to such cold weather and it was scary when the plane couldn't even land
in Dublin Airport.  We were diverted to Liverpool airport and eventually, hours later arrived home at 
6am in the morning.
Being tired can be a pleasure when a bed is ready and one is able to sleep.
The world tells us to reach out and explore this wonderful planet and yet, the comfort and safety of 
home is a treasure.
God bless all of us who have a home and please God fpr those who are less fortunate, I pray that
they find a safe place to call HOME!

Sunday, January 7, 2018


I'm here on holiday break to a place called Arguineguin, a quiet resort in Gran Canaria.
Most of the people I meet are Scandinavian so not the best place to learn Spanish.
My friends and I like to visit the Danish bakery and I am reminded of a time in my life when I lived in Copenhagen many years ago.
Arguineguin is a great place for relaxation and time to meditate, perfect for us and the apartment we have use of is wonderful too.
Perhaps we all have need to step away from our lives and set routines and renew ourselves again.
I am so grateful for the opportunity. Thank You God and thank you to my friends who helped to make it happen.

Monday, January 1, 2018


I had such plans for today which never materialised!
Wise people say,  'We propose and God disposes...'
In my mind, this new day of a new year would be totally creative, especially in relation to writing.
The ideas floated around in my head yet never found way to paper.
My solid motto of 'Pen to Paper'became as a dream and I wondered if it would ever take shape?
However, in hindsight,  today was a good day and good work in serving others accomplished. 
Perhaps this is the secret to a happy, unstressed mind...
Go with the flow and if burdened, simply rest. Inspiration and energy will come.
I believe we are supported by Grace when we have the good-will to open our hearts to God and all that pertains to Love.
So now, my new beginning for a New Year 2018,  Be guided by He who is Love.