Monday, May 29, 2017

The Creative Mind

Perhaps all of us are endowed with a Creative Mind, an ability to discover 'Beauty' and share it with others.
If we are an artist then we will be diligent in putting beauty into our talent whatever it might be.
A trip to the National Art Gallery is a wonderful place to study paintings and marvel at the originality that is displayed there.
My main interest is in Writing and so I often find myself over-awed as I step into our Library and view walls and walls of books by Creative Writers / fiction / non-fiction / poetry / travel books / science fiction / biographies  etc.
There seems to be no end to the creative imagination of writers.  And this is a good thing.
When we find out what our passion is as regards being creative, then we owe it to ourselves to work passionately at what we are passionate about. 
I believe if we are truthful as regards our passions then we can allow God to step into our lives and guide us through whatever gifts He has already given us.
Some writers say that when they are in flow, their creative work seems to almost write itself.
When we know that God is with us then we are free to be guided by His inspirations.
What a wonderful way to expand our Creative Mind.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Have Faith...

In this strange and yet wonderful world of ours, it's such a gift to have Faith.
To believe that God loves each and every one of us .
No matter what happens in life, this compassionate love of God helps us to deal with pain and suffering of whatever kind that comes our way.
It may not always be easy to simply say, I believe and yet this very belief is what sustains us when we are weak.
To know that God loves us is a powerful strength in time of weakness.
To know that we love God is strength in action.
Have Faith...

Sunday, May 21, 2017

LOVE overcomes ALL

When we decide to live a good life and be of a spiritual mind, then we can know and realise that all and everything in our lives can lead us to God.
People might be confounded by suffering and wonder why?
Why does a Loving God allow us to suffer?
It is a mystery at times and of course we would love to go through life without suffering and yet, perhaps the best times in our lives are brought about by some kind of pain...
i.e. a mother giving birth to her child...
or an accident that causes a person to become more aware of the meaning of life...
Each one of us have a story to tell where suffering added a certain quality to our lives.
We may not want the suffering and yet,  we have a need for the learning that follows our pain.
The best lesson of all is learning the value of Love and knowing there is a price to pay.
Love overcomes ALL!.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Dealing with Weakness...

Dealing with Weakness is not easy, perhaps because it's not easy to love to be weak.
However, the positive side to weakness is found in St. Paul's writing...
'When I am weak, then I am strong...'
How could this be?  Surely when we are weak, that's it, and yet there is a lesson to be learned through the experience of weakness.
Weakness teaches us how to have a good look at ourselves, which we may not like at first.
Then, our love for Truth will help us to see that when we are weak it's because we want to be strong.
Is that a bad thing?  No, not bad yet may not be honest.
The Spiritual mind will realise that Weakness is a blessing in disguise, teaching us the Truth about
ourselves and so we are made strong in a positive and truthful way.
We realise that God is our strength and so when we rely on God we allow Him to become our Strength.
Dealing with Weakness positively will lead us to God's Love for us.

Monday, May 15, 2017


There is a story about Christ and how He became angry in the Temple with the money-changers and how they had turned the House of God into a market place...
We are told NOT to be angry and yet I understand how Christ was protecting God's House of Prayer.
For myself, anger comes when I feel a situation is unjust.  
This would be my opinion which may not be totally aware of the truth in a situation, so I can be wrong in my judgement of whatever is happening.
Of course, I could be right too and yet, I realise now that what is most important is kindness and patience and love.
To the Just person, God will be Just.
To the Loving person, God will be Love.
We choose.

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Beautiful Ireland

Today, Sunday 7th May 2017, we are presented with a beautiful, sunny day and can easily understand why so many people love to visit Ireland.
Living here in Wicklow town, with the pier just minutes away and the Murrough affording us walks or cycles along the seashore makes me realise what a gem of beauty is the place I call home.
Perhaps what may seem sad that Wicklow is not as developed as other places becomes a treasure when the sun shines as it does today.
We are surrounded by so many lovely walking areas, in particular the River walk. Here we can stroll at our leisure away from traffic of any kind.
Yes, it just takes a bit of sunshine to show off just how beautiful Ireland can be.
God bless this wonder, beautiful country of ours!

Monday, May 1, 2017

May Day

Today is the first of May, our Lady's month, and we celebrate the day by renewing 
our True Devotion to Mary, the Mother of God.
We believe that Mary is the door to the Heart of Jesus. I can't imagine God refusing her anything.
So, what better way to pray and ask for guidance than through the heart of Mary.
It's such a good thing to remember that Mary is our mother too and as a mother she will always
look out for us and help us to find our way to God.
I believe that Mary is a pathway that God has chosen to make it easy for us to follow Him.
We live in a wonderful and yet troubled world and so we can easily go astray.
When we choose Mary as our guide, then we are protected/ encouraged and enlightened.
It ought to be easy to love God.  Mary is the key.