Monday, May 29, 2017

The Creative Mind

Perhaps all of us are endowed with a Creative Mind, an ability to discover 'Beauty' and share it with others.
If we are an artist then we will be diligent in putting beauty into our talent whatever it might be.
A trip to the National Art Gallery is a wonderful place to study paintings and marvel at the originality that is displayed there.
My main interest is in Writing and so I often find myself over-awed as I step into our Library and view walls and walls of books by Creative Writers / fiction / non-fiction / poetry / travel books / science fiction / biographies  etc.
There seems to be no end to the creative imagination of writers.  And this is a good thing.
When we find out what our passion is as regards being creative, then we owe it to ourselves to work passionately at what we are passionate about. 
I believe if we are truthful as regards our passions then we can allow God to step into our lives and guide us through whatever gifts He has already given us.
Some writers say that when they are in flow, their creative work seems to almost write itself.
When we know that God is with us then we are free to be guided by His inspirations.
What a wonderful way to expand our Creative Mind.

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