Wednesday, December 28, 2022


Coming to the close of a year of many adventures and challenges, one can wonder about the future? What steps can be taken to help this wonderful World of ours become a better place, one that will be an encouragement and protection, especially for the new generation of people / children who will only have our guidelines to help them.

What can I do to create a better place / a better World ?

My answer is simple, yet also complex, because I believe in God, the Creator of the Universe and all that pertains to who we are and where we are.  Will my belief be good enough to make a difference?

Reading the life of St. Therese, I came across a quote from her... 'One person, striving for sanctity, is more pleasing to God than many others living a good, yet complacent life.'  

Does that effect me and my life?  I wonder, because I would relate myself to the complacent person. I know about saints whose lives show us what sanctity is all about, yet I cannot imitate them.  I must be the original person that God has created me to be.

Perhaps the answer to saving the World and being the best that we can be lies in our honesty about who we are, truly, and follow up with a life that values and lives a life of loving and caring, responding to the inner voice that prompts us to love, always.

Friday, December 23, 2022


 Christ has given us a strong command, 'Love one another as I have loved you'.  This is not an easy example to follow, especially when we might even doubt God's love for us.

Perhaps that is where the difficulty lies, in becoming aware of the truth that God loves each one of us, regardless of how good or bad we might be.  This is hard  for us because by nature we measure love according to how we are loved etc. And, also when we are not good, we can feel ashamed and wish to hide, believing that we are not worthy of love.

God is Love, and so does not measure love according to feelings and responses, as we so often do.  When love is genuine, then it does not judge the actions of others, it simply focuses on the Presence of God which is noble and pure.

One example that might make this clear for us, is seen in the love of a mother for a child.  The 'child' who might well be an adult, can be far from good or holy, yet still, the mother's love will not fail. Love is love, regardless.

When we are able to believe in God's love for us, we will have the power to love, and experience how love heals!


Monday, December 5, 2022


 'Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder...' so we are told, and how true that is. When our hearts are captured with delight at the sight of another person, or something of artistic value, we immediately respond with love.

You could say, this is the way God has formed us. We are made in His likeness and therefore we cannot but rejoice at the sight of beauty.  An innocent child will display the wonder of the soul and God's love for each one of us.

I visited Fatima, in Portugal, awhile ago and was touched by the knowledge of who was chosen by the Blessed Virgin, three little children, to carry the message of love to the whole World.  Through their innocence and obedience to Our Lady, we have confirmation of just how much God loves each on of us.

Of course, we have this wonderful World of ours, sending out messages of beauty as seen on Earth and the Universe at large. We just have to open our eyes and hearts to the beauty that surrounds us.

Monday, November 28, 2022


 To  be joyful is such a wonderful state of mind, body and spirit.  We become as if  possessed with an inner strength that propels us forward, believing that the World is a wonderful place, and everybody in it is special.

True joy is heartfelt, an inner energy that helps us to stay on the path of love. It  could be regarded as a rebirth of our soul which takes over our whole being and changes us into a spiritually enlighted person.

One example of Joy can be seen through a mother who gives birth to her new-born child.  Of course, before the birth, there is suffering, yet as soon as the mother  holds the baby in her arms, her heart almost explodes with Joy!

This will be the same experience for us when we are overwhelmed by the power of Joy.  It is as if we become re-born as a person, and even our personality changes into one of love and appreciation.  All pain and anxiety disappear and we shine with the spirit of inward Joy.

To attain this transformation requires a deep sense of humility, realising that we are receiving a gift that we could never earn, this wonderful and powerful gift of Joy!

Wednesday, November 2, 2022


 WINTER DELIGHTS are here, and will stay with us for quite awhile.  Of course, the heavy rain and strong winds are great invitations to stay home and read and write. Such opportunities to put pen to paper and write those wonderful stories and poems that float about in our creative minds.

My first thrill of winter came in late October when the leaves began to fall from the trees, and the delight of walking in the park, through paths of golden leaves. Such colours and brightness, completely different to the bright colours of summer.

Perhaps a shopping spree will be necessary to replenish our thermal extras, and even to dream a little of a colourful scarf or outfit for Christmas. Most important of all, the meeting up of friends, hopefully without the scare of covid. For many, the new adventure of entertaining at home, helping to cut down on expenses, and have time to chat and share and learn from each other.

The highlight for me will be the preparations for Christmas, finding the hidden Crib figures and designing a new and innovative way to make the Winter Delights a way of creating new memories and pathways to welcome Mary and the Infant Child.

Wednesday, October 26, 2022


 The VALUE of HONESTY encompasses the reality of being true to one's self. When we can say, I am honest / I speak the truth, then we are free from any and all pressure.

Pressure comes about when we deny ourselves the freedom to speak openly and truthfully.  It could be based on our fear of being rejected or not accepted.  We wind up trying to please others, and becoming very unhappy.

A spiritual mind will tell us that God is Truth.  If we were to meet God in human form, like meeting Jesus, we would be surprised and delighted to meet someone who we would love to have as a friend. We would meet an honest man.

Honesty is such a valuable commodity, like gold-dust. We would want to become an honest person so we can be like Jesus, and spread the truth of God's love everywhere.

Of course, we may well have this desire, yet it requires work to become an honest person, and this is where most of us could fail / would fail.  Still, no need to be discouraged.  Here we are dealing with the Divine / a world where we are free from the bondage of fear / free from the awkwardness of wanting to be loved and appreciated.

Honesty comes at a price, as we all know, so we can ask ourselves...  Am I willing to pay the price of becoming an honest person?  Do I really, really want to be like Jesus?

Saturday, October 15, 2022

VALUE of little things

 In a world where great things happen, it can be both interesting and rewarding to value 'little' things that often go unnoticed.

Awhile ago, I met my sister in Dublin, and we were looking forward to a walk around Stephen's Green.  However, the wind and rain put a damper on our desire. We did eventually have a short walk before going our seperate ways, and enjoyed seeing the grounds covered in leaves, all shades of golden brown. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I spied a lovely blood-red leaf. With raindrops falling, the colour was even more beautiful.  Only one leaf of that colour could be found, yet it was enough to lift our hearts at the wonderful beauty of nature.  

It made me realise, 'little' things happen, often.  Do we notice; are we impressed? All depends on how present we are in each moment, so I wonder, what little things will I notice today. Ah, just wait and see.

Tuesday, September 27, 2022


As Dickons said, in one of his great novels, Great Expectations, we can be surprised by the good things that happen to us, and unaware of the sad happenings that afflict others.

Human nature is often based on what we believe is our need, and becoming blind to the truth that it is our true needs that ought to be addressed and not, our imagined needs.

Pope Francis keeps sending out messages to the World at large, to address and examine our wants, versus our needs. Simply put, we have desires that fill us with ideas of needs we do not have.  

Great expectations helps us to reach out to those who would gladly help us out, and in turn, encourage us to reach out to others.  A simple way to come up with answers is to look at what we have, not what we want.

For myself, just looking into my wardrobe helps me to see how far I am from being fulfilled with the joy of expecting gifts, rather than hoarding them. The clothes I have not had the chance to wear this year, could well be put away, and become gifts for others.  That lovely little top I love, yet have a need to lose weight to wear it, belongs to someone else, not me.

I'm beginning to realise the Mind and Love of God,  in how He treats us and guides us to become more honest and loving people.  I want to have great expectation in being loved and surprised by God.  I must let go, and let it happen!

Wednesday, August 31, 2022


 Having a creative mind depends a lot on having a good imagination. It becomes visible when we see the way children play.  The game begins with someone's imagination, and is followed through by those who are interested in being creative.

When I was young, and on holiday in Donegal with my family, we found ourselves in a completely different environment.  My granny's cottage had no running water, so we were given the job of going to the well for water.

There was no toilet or bathroom, so our basic requirements were provided for with a basin of hot water and a bucket with a seat cover on top!  Of course, there was a bog lake nearby where we swam to my poor granny's terror that we would drown.

Without even known it, we were using our skills and imagination to create a new world on a small farm, devoid of cars and street lights, and we were happy to do so.

Imagination teaches us to improvise in new creative ways, and if we are fortunate enough to love literature and writing, then there is no limit to the stories that are hidden in the depths of our hearts.

Of course, there are many ways to use our imagination.  When we discover the hidden talents within, our whole life becomes a magical haven!

Tuesday, July 19, 2022


 Learning to be innovative is both a challenge and an invitation to bring something new into our lives, a whole new way of thinking outside the box!

The Dictionary says, 'a new process or way of doing things...'  Perhaps a good way to break old habits etc.  Also,  learning to examine our lives and ways of doing things.

For me, being innovative is a good challenge because I love to form habits of doing things / saying things / going places that I feel comfortable with. In truth, I love my comfort zone..  Could this be a bad thing? Maybe yes and maybe no.

To be able to be comfortable in who we are and what we do, is a positive state of mind.  However, there will be times when we are invited, maybe even forced to become a better self, able to move forward with how life is changing for all of us.

My sister was on home leave recently.  One of her difficulties was with her phone. Being able to sent a text, or charge her phone etc. was not easy.  One day, we lost each other in town. I stood in Henry street, helpless.  We discovered afterwards, her phone was not charged.  Basic skills that children have, can be a challenge when one grows older, less bolder to learn new things.

So, being innovative will help to push us forward to become part of this crazy, yet wonderful world of ours!

Saturday, June 18, 2022


 Sometimes we have a need to examine ourselves positively, and wonder are we making progress in developing our true Authentic self?

First off, what does that mean, to be My Authentic Self?  Am I not who I am, or is there an underlining question as to who I truly am?

Being of a Christian mind, one can believe without full understanding, because we have the Life of Christ to show and teach us about how to become true to our beliefs

However, because we are an authentic person, unique and individual, we can be swayed by cultural values and behave according to who we are expected to be, rather than who we truly are.

This has a much to do with our own weakness in wanting to belong and fit in, as well as the opinions of others, so what steps can we take to develop this authentic self?

I believe the answer lies in honesty and a certain humility where we are prompted by our inner voice to be true to ourselves, no matter what!

We have a Mentor / a Template given to us in the Life of Christ, to teach us how to become our Authentic Self.  So, a very positive and inspiring question to ask is this,  am I interested in becoming this wonderful caring and loving person, created by God?

Saturday, May 21, 2022


 There are times when one might want changes to happen, and perhaps long for them too much.

To anticipate what might happen in the future is often speculation, and takes us away from reality.  It is so much better to anticipate positively, and work towards it and make it happen.

Day-dreaming has its place, yet is often used incorrectly, whereas when we are positive and work towards a positive solution, anticipating all that is good, then we are on safe ground.

Like a student who has to pass an exam, yet has failed to study, there would be no point in anticipating success.

A person of Faith will know and understand that steps need to be taken to gain results.  God will not do for us what we can do for ourselves.  

Of course, being a Loving Father, He will prompt us and guide us when we are open to His loving Voice.   So important therefore that we listen well.  Inspirations will come our way, and we will be guided by LOVE!

Sunday, May 1, 2022


 Exploration denotes a willingness to explore and discover the hidden secrets of the mind and heart.  It can be a wild and wonderful interest in the knowledge of what it means to be a fully human being.

We are so diverse and often lost within ourselves that the challenge to find our true selves can take a lifetime of searching.  Perhaps, this is the greatest wonder of all.

Who am I?  What has made me who I am, and why?  To have answers to all the questions that can come our way, will teach us how to be self-aware and true.

When Christ was on Earth, he asked the people, " Who do they say that I am?"       Of course, he knew that he was the Son of God,  yet it was important that they also knew his identity.

This is a great example for us to see the importance of knowing ourselves. In this way, we make it easy for others to know us, and so, friendships can flourish.

Am I truly able to be myself, warts and all?  With good-will and grace, we all have this great ability; to remember, we are a work in progress.

Keep exploring the gift of life!

Saturday, April 23, 2022


 A Creative Mind is always open to inspiration, however it might come. Hopefully, the person who is grounded in Christian values will be able to respond to the inspirations that come from the source of goodness and love.

When God moves the heart of a person, they will surprise themselves and others, with the wisdom and knowledge that is given to them.  Often, the more relaxed and happy a person can be, the more inspired they become.

Perhaps, the image we have of a loving God will set us above our own selves. We become like a child of grace, able and willing to measure the World with eyes of love.

Whatever and however we aim at being creative, every effort we make will become a learning process where our heart and mind become as one. We are no longer in conflict with thoughts and feelings, we are liberated to an inner world of excitement and tender peace.

Sunday, March 20, 2022


 I've been reading a book by C.S. LEWIS about the qualities needed to be a real person, one who sees the value of always doing the right thing, for the right reasons. Perhaps, Fortitude is a good explanation of this kind of person.

Using today's 'language', we would say a person with GUTS,  having the courage to stick to something, no matter what the cost Whatever word may be used, I believe Fortitude says so much. 

So, where does that leave us?  Is such a quality to be found in what we do and what we say, and who we are?

When writing a story, creatively, we always want our Hero to be a person, full of courage and fortitude, willing to stand up to all the bullies of this world. Yes, we want heros in our stories / we want heros in our life!

Monday, February 28, 2022


Solidarity, what does it mean?  I wonder as I watch men from the Ukraine, who have been living in Ireland for many years and happy to be here, yet feel compelled to return to their native country, and fight for freedom.

I ask myself, would I be willing to follow their example if I was a Ukraine citizen? A tough question and yet, one that inspires bravery and solidarity.  As we in Ireland know, our freedom came from our belief that our Freedom Fighters in 1916 showed us what it means to value freedom.

It seems the whole world is united in sympathy and encouragement for these brave persons.  How would I feel if some other nation was to invade us here in Ireland?  Would I be willing to give up my life for the cause of freedom?

The whole world is looking on and if all we can do is pray and in whatever way we can, support this wonderful brave country, then let us do so with a brave heart.  We can and we must open up our borders to all who need help.

If I could look into the Mind of God, I wonder what would I be prompted to do?  Will my belief in all that is honest and good, help me to be a supporter to like -minded people, just like the early martyrs?  I wonder!

Wednesday, February 23, 2022


The virtue of compassion is such a wonderful ability to have.  However, it can and does take a certain amount of effort on our part to become a truly compassionate person.

We may want to feel for another person, yet find ourselves unmoved by their plight. Even worse, we might become afraid of how their need might impinge on our lives.

A great example is the plight of the immigrants and displaced persons.  They are forced to leave their homes and at great risk, take their families to where they feel they might be safe.

Social media has highlighted so many disasters that have taken place, where they found themselves unwelcome and unwanted.  Just like the homeless people who beg for help and are regarded as a nuisence in our civilised society.

Christ presents us with the story of the good samaritan, who showed compassion for the one who was wounded, and made it his business to care for him.There was no mention of who he was or where he came from.  He was a person in need, and a compassionate heart reached out to him.

Could this be you?  Could this be me?  Love and kindness is always needed and hopefully we will be able to respond, when asked, with a compassionate heart. 

Wednesday, February 16, 2022


 There are so many ways in which we can experience pain.  Even loving can be painful, because we are exposed to vulnerability and feel no longer able to exist without the one we love.

Perhaps this is why we sometimes run away from those who could have a positive effect on our lives.  We want to grow in love, yet not in pain.

Running away from situations that will cause us to suffer is normal, unless we possess saintly qualities.  No big deal.  In every event of our lives we are taking steps towards becoming a better and more informed person. We call this maturity.

However, when it comes to suffering, we can and will shy away from the pain that we are presented with.  Most normal people do not want to suffer, yet common sense teaches us that suffering is part and parcel of being a complete person.

I can cherish the idea of being in love, and the wonderful awareness that love will add to my happiness, yet, I still can and often do, run away from the pain that comes with love.  Is there a soluliton, I wonder?

For every joy that comes into our lives, there will be a price to pay. If we can allow the joy we experience move us and guide us, then we will gladly accept any and all the pain we know that comes with a joyful heart.

There is no way we can reach the top of a mountain without effort and pain, yet the joyful experience when we reach the top will be our reward!

Wednesday, February 2, 2022


When we learn to Trust, we learn to Love , and we learn to live!  

This is a way that will guide us on the path of peace and happiness; there is so little we need to do, except choose, make choices that are based on trust and love

What separates us from others is fear. We become afraid of being hurt or being  vulnerable. We simply are afraid to love, and so we run away like a frightened child.

God does not expect us to be full of wisdom and great abilities. He wants us to be childlike, able to embrace the world without fear, knowing that we are loved by God.

Christ invites us, 'Come to me...'  Let us respond with trust in God's love for us.

Monday, January 17, 2022


 A Spirit of Adventure comes about when we are free, fully free to be ourselves; no pretence or fear of any kind, we are a free spirit!

It can happen very easily when we are in love.  It may be a special person who moves us to abandon all fears and misgivings. All we are aware of is the ability to love.

This wonderful sense of adventure is also found when we let go of all the things that hold us back from going forward.  We learn to leave our fears behind us, and step out into the unknown, believing that our heart will guide us to know what is right.

This scary, yet exciting feeling of abandonment will guide us to a future we do not know, and in many ways, don't care.  Our willingness to go forward and embrace all that is new and wonderful will sustain us when we realise we are no longer afraid.

The spiritual mind will find this sense of adventure more easy to follow when we  become aware of a Guiding Force propelling us to follow our aspirations and dreams.  

In a way, we are being lifted up by the Hand of God and become transformed into our true selves.

Wednesday, January 12, 2022


 Friends are a treasure, to be respected and valued, always.

When we are able to be a friend with another person, we learn so much about ourselves, and even more so, we receive lessons on how to love.

There is always a price to pay for the gift of friendship, so we need to tread carefully and beome sensitive to how others are feeling.  Human nature is imperfect and we are all flawed in some way or other, therefore it is so important to learn the skill of being gentle and forgiving.

Even the best of friends, at times, can hurt one another. There is no malice, just mistakes and misunderstandings that teach us so much about ourselves, if we are able and willing to accept our weaknesses and failings.

Can anything be greater than Love?  We may not know God fully, yet when we love truly, we become God-like, so whatever protects our ability to love, no matter how hard it might seem, go for it!

The ability to love is such a treasure, and we will learn how to love through friendship.