Sunday, May 1, 2022


 Exploration denotes a willingness to explore and discover the hidden secrets of the mind and heart.  It can be a wild and wonderful interest in the knowledge of what it means to be a fully human being.

We are so diverse and often lost within ourselves that the challenge to find our true selves can take a lifetime of searching.  Perhaps, this is the greatest wonder of all.

Who am I?  What has made me who I am, and why?  To have answers to all the questions that can come our way, will teach us how to be self-aware and true.

When Christ was on Earth, he asked the people, " Who do they say that I am?"       Of course, he knew that he was the Son of God,  yet it was important that they also knew his identity.

This is a great example for us to see the importance of knowing ourselves. In this way, we make it easy for others to know us, and so, friendships can flourish.

Am I truly able to be myself, warts and all?  With good-will and grace, we all have this great ability; to remember, we are a work in progress.

Keep exploring the gift of life!

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