Tuesday, May 30, 2023


Courage is often regarded as being fearless, and acting without fear of any kind, a real Hero!  A good image, yet perhaps, flawed.

It takes Courage to face our fears, and not to run away.  This might well show us what it takes to become a Hero.  The person who is willing to face their fears is someone with a courageous heart, willing to face the trials that come, and not put off by feeling fearful.

The other day, a little blackbird flew into our home.  He crashed against the windows, trying desperately to get out, and even though the door was open.

 Again,  he crashed against the window with a bang.  I thought he had surely killed himself.   I was afraid to touch him, yet when I realised he would probably be killed, I had to step in, out of pity for the poor thing.  I grabbed hold of a cloth, managed to throw it over him, bundled it around him and ran out the door, holding him tightly.   As soon as I was outside, I pulled away the cloth and he flew away, hopefully not too hurt.

A little lesson for me.  Courage is found when we face our fears and do it anyway!

Wednesday, May 17, 2023


True friendship is of a spiritual vein. A true friend will be one who knows how to care and share, yet also able to step back and allow freedom above all.

St. Francis De Sales is quoted as saying... 'Let your charity extend to everyone, but limit your friendship to those with whom you can share virtuous things.  The more perfect they are, the more perfect will your friendshp be.'

This could well be a tall order in today's World, and yet when practised, it works. We need to value the gift of friendship, and believe that when we are drawn to another person, it is a wonderful grace to respond to our hearts.  

A positive mind will always triumph, and it is good to know, a friend in need is a friend in deed!

Tuesday, May 9, 2023


There is a famous Song... You raise me up... which gives a good description of what it means to Elevate, to raise someone higher.  This could even relate to a prayer where we praise God for loving us..

We can Elevate ourselves to become a more able-minded person, simply by choosing to give of our best, at all times.  It is a mind-conscience awareness of how great Life and Living can be.

Often, we may have an experience of a child with a parent who wisely knows how to Elevate the child with praise.  If I work hard to write a poem, and am successful, then I can become elevated by honest praise.

Also, I can elevate another person by praising their efforts to create something good. This is a wonderful gift to use, especially when people are wounded and vulnerable. Just as God elevates us by calling us His children, we too can be a force of good that will elevate others.

Positive praise is always welcome.


 To Fortify... to make stronger / better, will demand effort and concentration. It means an examination of ourselves and learning about our strengths and our weaknesses.

Fortifications are used a lot in buildings where weak points are found, and so must be strengthened and fortified against future damage. 

The same can be true of ourselves. Having a positive mind helps us to know our strengths and work on them, yet also it is necessary to examine ourselves and be honest about our weak points.  This is where we must fortify ourselves from falling into bad habits and weaknesses that will cause us to become discouraged.

The Jesuits, an order of religious, have a whole rule book called, ' Examination of Conscience'.  It involves a list of known weaknesses, and remedies that will help a person to become more able, and more aware of being a Truthful person.

Putting it simply, it is such a brave and clever thing to Fortify ourselves in relation to everything we do.  This way, we protect ourselves from negativity, and learn to become a truly positive and happy person.