Tuesday, May 30, 2023


Courage is often regarded as being fearless, and acting without fear of any kind, a real Hero!  A good image, yet perhaps, flawed.

It takes Courage to face our fears, and not to run away.  This might well show us what it takes to become a Hero.  The person who is willing to face their fears is someone with a courageous heart, willing to face the trials that come, and not put off by feeling fearful.

The other day, a little blackbird flew into our home.  He crashed against the windows, trying desperately to get out, and even though the door was open.

 Again,  he crashed against the window with a bang.  I thought he had surely killed himself.   I was afraid to touch him, yet when I realised he would probably be killed, I had to step in, out of pity for the poor thing.  I grabbed hold of a cloth, managed to throw it over him, bundled it around him and ran out the door, holding him tightly.   As soon as I was outside, I pulled away the cloth and he flew away, hopefully not too hurt.

A little lesson for me.  Courage is found when we face our fears and do it anyway!

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