Friday, May 29, 2015

Be a Shining Light...

When we think of people who have put their heart and soul into what they do, then we have someone who is willing to be a shining light for others
We may imagine that success is what life is all about, yet we can be wrong in our understanding of what it takes to be successful. .
Being able to apply ourselves to our role in life, whatever it might be, is what true success is all about. 
To be a shining light requires sincerity and dedication and plenty of enthusiasm.
Let your Light shine!

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Creative Mind

Being Creative comes easily for some people.  They look at a tree or flower or a person and suddenly a poem or story comes to mind.
For others, even putting pen to paper is a challenge.  We live in the same world, often the same family and yet we can be of such a different mind-set.
Perhaps it's all to do with how passionate we are about what we love.
The person who loves nature will often travel to far-away places and think nothing of the hardships involved in the journey they undertake.
It can be a good exercise to look at ourselves and discover what we are passionate about.
What am I most passionate about?
Our creative mind is a tool we can use to know ourselves better.
I read a little story about an American woman who took up painting at the ripe old age of seventy.
She had a love for nature and expressed that love in her pictures of American farm life.
They called her Granma Moses and her paintings are now of great value.
Whatever we do out of love will always bear positive fruit.

Make the best of it!

It can happen that we are surprised and even disappointed with what people do and say.  Perhaps they too can feel the same about us.
We are living in a wonderful world and yet full of imperfections especially from human weaknesses and decision-making that is flawed with lack of fore-sight.
If only we could be perfect and full of wisdom, yet we are tripped up so many times by our lack of awareness etc.
God is perfect and yet He allows us to make mistakes, often big ones and still He loves us.
In our efforts to be a spiritual person we can learn so much from the life of Christ; how to behave and become a more loving and compassionate person.
Perhaps if could allow ourselves to be a student of life and take on Christ as our mentor, then this wonderful world of ours will be safe and we will be happy.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015


 Humility to be a perfect state of grace where a soul is totally united to doing God's Will.
However, for many of us that may be the exception rather than the rule.
God endows on us with humility when we do His Will, perhaps not perfectly, yet with a good heart..
It's good to look at the lives of the saints and find out how they managed to put God before all else.
They lived like us, either in communities or families, with basic needs to work and eat and develop themselves in becoming a loving person.
What has made them special is their desire to love God and do God's Will as they believed it to be in their daily lives.
We have a guide-line from the teachings of Christ... "How can you say you love God whom you don't see, if you cannot love your neighbour whom you do see..."
LOVE is the key.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Hail Mary...

Today, 1st of May is a day chosen by us to renew our True Devotion to Mary, our Mother.
This involves a promise to become Mary's willing servant and promote a love for her Son, Jesus.
We set up an alter to Mary, adorned with flowers and each of us in the Servants of Love took our turn to read out our renewed dedication to practise True Devotion to Mary.
All over the world there are shrines dedicated to Mary, the Mother of God. This is a miracle in itself that God chooses to send His Mother to help us on our home journey to be with Him.
What a lovely thought that is, we are on a journey to be with He who loves us, forever. 
We may be saints in the making with still a good way to go, yet we have Mary's promise that she will be with us, guiding and encouraging us along the way.
What could be better than that...  Hail Mary, full of grace...