Sunday, May 24, 2015

Creative Mind

Being Creative comes easily for some people.  They look at a tree or flower or a person and suddenly a poem or story comes to mind.
For others, even putting pen to paper is a challenge.  We live in the same world, often the same family and yet we can be of such a different mind-set.
Perhaps it's all to do with how passionate we are about what we love.
The person who loves nature will often travel to far-away places and think nothing of the hardships involved in the journey they undertake.
It can be a good exercise to look at ourselves and discover what we are passionate about.
What am I most passionate about?
Our creative mind is a tool we can use to know ourselves better.
I read a little story about an American woman who took up painting at the ripe old age of seventy.
She had a love for nature and expressed that love in her pictures of American farm life.
They called her Granma Moses and her paintings are now of great value.
Whatever we do out of love will always bear positive fruit.

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