Tuesday, May 5, 2015


 Humility to be a perfect state of grace where a soul is totally united to doing God's Will.
However, for many of us that may be the exception rather than the rule.
God endows on us with humility when we do His Will, perhaps not perfectly, yet with a good heart..
It's good to look at the lives of the saints and find out how they managed to put God before all else.
They lived like us, either in communities or families, with basic needs to work and eat and develop themselves in becoming a loving person.
What has made them special is their desire to love God and do God's Will as they believed it to be in their daily lives.
We have a guide-line from the teachings of Christ... "How can you say you love God whom you don't see, if you cannot love your neighbour whom you do see..."
LOVE is the key.

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