Monday, May 30, 2011

The Artist

Sunday, 29th May was a special day for Arts in Wicklow.

The Arts Festival was in full swing, with diverse interests to suit all tastes and ages, young and old!

Several Writers groups met together in the beautiful Cosmic Garden (beside the Ecology Centre on the grounds of the Dominican Convent).

God was kind to us and the sun shone all the while we shared our creative interests and read our poems.

If you find yourself in Wicklow town, do call up to visit the Cosmic Garden. I can only say how lovely it is. One has to see it for themselves.

There is an Artist in each one of us and when we follow our creative inspirations then we share what is best in us.

Still, good to remember that God will provide the inspirations. He leaves us to do the work!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Living in the Now!

A lot of our lives can be taken up with memories of the past and challenges of the future. Yet only when we learn to deal with our past and have a positive outlook on life, will we be able to live in the present moment.

This precious time of NOW is all we have really.

God is constantly inviting us to grow and develop in love. This is the challenge of the present moment.

Can I respond? Will I respond? Only God knows. We have such freedom to go forward or backward...

Let's open our hearts to Love and continue to put Love first, in all things.

It's becomes easy, the more we do it.

Monday, May 16, 2011


Each one of us has a life to live. If we are guided by Wisdom, then we will live well/ love well.

God is with us, every step of the way. We only need to tune in to the Wisdom of God and all will be well.

The world we live in is full of challenges / opportunities to develop and become a better, more rounded person.

When we approach each day with confidence in God's love for us, then we

have nothing to fear. We learn to enjoy the gift of life and value it.

We are created to love. Let's be wise and avail of the many invitations that come our way to love, and love, and love.

Saturday, May 7, 2011


Each day is a golden opportunity to be creative and make progress in becoming a better, more loving person.

Often what we regard as a difficulty could be a chance to grow in awareness, to see our world from a different perspective.

We have a plan to do things, and everything may go wrong. Not to worry.

There is a Divine Plan, ready and willing to guide us on our journey through life.

Pick up the pieces and start again. Effort is never wasted. We learn so much, simply by doing.

So whatever is today's challenge, be ready. God is with us.

Monday, May 2, 2011


The first day of May was like a earthquake, shattering all the petty problems of this life and reminding us that we are on a journey, to spend Heaven with the One who loves us.

The beatification of John-Paul 11 resounded around the whole world.

The Church has named many saints, yet here is one who is already known to all, big and small alike.

What made his life so special? Becoming Pope, leader of the Catholic Church? Not really.

It is shown in his love for God and for all mankind.

A saint is one who loves God, with all their heart, soul and mind.