Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Lately, I find myself very sleepy. At Mass I sleep through the priest's ceremony and try to disguise my embarrassment when I lose my balance and almost fall off the seat. I know it's to do with my 'inner-clock' change where I sometimes cannot return to a deep sleep.
It was a worry at first, then a friend encouraged me by saying that this could well be the Holy Spirit calling me to pray / to write / to read spiritual books. This I now do and am pleased to catch up on creative desires that have lingered in the background.

Life is a once-off affair. We can make the best of our time, or we can squander it by lamenting on all the things we never get around to doing. Then, we get caught up with 'doing' and have a list of 'must do'/ 'should do' items. This can be a waste of time too as we might never get around to listening to the Holy Spirit.

What a wonderful thought, to be guided by the Holy Spirit; to step out of the box and be unafraid of change.

Sunday, June 28, 2009


Through history we are faced with the challenges required of people in relation to freedom. We want so badly to be free, yet there is a price to pay.

Perhaps the first step to freedom is finding out the price we need to pay to be free. What can it be?

For some, perhaps most, the price is honest. We want something yet are so afraid to spell out our desires, and so they fester and cause us to deny the truth about ourselves and what we are passionate about.

Some good examples are found with mothers. They love their family, mad about their husband and children and want to do everything for them. Yet, is this the truth? Is there a passionate desire that at least needs to be addressed, if not implemented in their live?

Again, honesty is the key.

So, for myself, I know I need to listen to my heart and follow the dictates of love. If God has given me a passion for something, then my freedom and happiness will depend on my honesty in following my heart's desire.

Be brave and unafraid. LOVE / GOD guides us on the path of freedom.

Friday, June 26, 2009


One of the blessings of being created by God is the reality that we are unique. Even identical twins have unique personalities.. Therefore it's not unlikely that personalities can be like 'cheese and chalk' .

This is sometimes the case for me with certain persons. I'm sure I drive them bongers, and in all fairness, they can have the same effect on me.

To look at this from a purely natural point of view would be such a loss because we are more than natural. We have a spiritual side which links us to God Himself. Therefore, it is this part of us that matters most. Our spiritual side prompts us to love, and forgive, and respect, and to suffer well.

The person who is our adversary will also be our spiritual benefactor. We need them, and in a sense, they need us. So, don't let feelings or differences stand in the way of making progress, especially as regards developing our spiritual life.

God provides all the opportunities we need to become a saint. Treasure these friends of the spirit!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Today was a good day for me as I got a chance make a trip to town. I had errants to do and also met with my cousin, Carmel. This has been a long awaited meeting for both of us. Whenever one was available, the other wasn't, so we left all in our Lady's hands and she made things right today.

We had gfts to share and much to talk about. This was good and yet I realised that my giving of myself was totally inadequate. A strange feeling to realise. We communicated and I knew I was with someone who loves me. The loss seemed to be on my side.

On reflection, I realise that the greatest gift one person can share with another is the gift of love. This means that a sensitivity to Love is required in order to be guided by love.

There is a tape that Kevin made about when we give ourselves, it is not enough. We need to give God to each other. I feel on my part that I shared myself, yet perhaps held back on the sharing of God within.

I reflect on this, without guilt, and yet with a certain awareness that the spiritual life is layed in accordance with the depth of love that is present.

Dear Heart, teach us to love with a genuine and loving heart, guided by Love itself.

Friday, June 19, 2009


Today is the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. When Christ appeared to a nun, many years ago, His message was one of need - a plea from God to us to open our hearts to LOVE.

For those who have faith, even a little, it becomes apparent that God is Love. While our image of God is abstract, we can believe and have so many proofs of the Energy and Majesty of God.

And, yet we are given an image of Christ with His heart wounded by His need for our love. To understand this is almost beyond faith.

That we need God is self-evident. Our very frailty and flawed nature makes even the dullest faith aware of man's need for God.

Yet, to believe that God has a need for our love, faulty as it is, is hard to grasp. However, God has made it easy for us through His image of a Father looking after His child.

A child is helpless and unable to do so much, yet the Parent has a need to love the child, and for the child to return that love.

This is how it is with us, and God's created need for our love.

This is the message of the Sacred Heart, to respond with love, to LOVE!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


We all like a bit of comfort in our lives. For me, coming back from a holiday-retreat, I find myself with a need for comfort.

So, what is this comfort that we feel we need?

Perhaps the best answer is found in what makes us happy. And, this can be different for each person. Some people's comfort works from the outside in, and others from the inside out!

A day of bright sunshine can cause us to feel happy inside, and this is good. We are in a natural state of appreciation for the beauty of nature and the gift of sunshine.

Others are of a more inward nature. They are moved by a deeper awareness of beauty, the beauty of the soul. Their need for comfort is fulfilled by love, and loving.

All of us are created to love because we are made in the image and likeness of God who is LOVE.

This is the secret of true comfort, to develop our ability to love, and be loved.

Thursday, June 4, 2009


When it comes to being creative, it is essential to have a 'sacred' space, where we can relax and open ourselves to the inspirations that come our way.

Time is so precious. Often we need to 'come away' from our ordinary life and tune into the creative child within. This is a delicate and fragile state which needs the utmost of respect from ourselves, and others. This is where courage comes in, the courage to be who we are, without fear or complaint. When we open our hearts and respond as honestly as we are able to do, God steps into the picture and helps us out.

This loving Father will guide us beyond our natural endeavours and allow the creative child to come forward.

Be brave and unafraid. He who inspires us will direct us. Listen; respond; work well in the sacred space alloted.

Monday, June 1, 2009


We are created by God, as unique beings. My taste, and even my set of values, can be so, so different to another person.

I might believe in cleanliness being next to Godliness; another person might have no problem with the opposite. They could be absorbed in their interest in people.

One person is guided by their heart ( a very good way to be ) while another person is more of a practical nature. They see the dirty curtains. The 'heart' person sees the ray of sunshine shining through.

We are programmed with the nature we have, yet if we had a choice, then to be a 'heart' person takes highest place.

When we look at the life of Christ, we see His enormous love for people. He expanded his heart to embrace the whole world.

In our home, years ago, my mother had a picture of the Sacred Heart with rays of light coming from his loving heart/ rays of divine grace.

To put God into the picture means that we imitate His love / His compassion, and open our hearts to all, without prejudice or fear of the cost.

By loving, God is present in us.