Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Lately, I find myself very sleepy. At Mass I sleep through the priest's ceremony and try to disguise my embarrassment when I lose my balance and almost fall off the seat. I know it's to do with my 'inner-clock' change where I sometimes cannot return to a deep sleep.
It was a worry at first, then a friend encouraged me by saying that this could well be the Holy Spirit calling me to pray / to write / to read spiritual books. This I now do and am pleased to catch up on creative desires that have lingered in the background.

Life is a once-off affair. We can make the best of our time, or we can squander it by lamenting on all the things we never get around to doing. Then, we get caught up with 'doing' and have a list of 'must do'/ 'should do' items. This can be a waste of time too as we might never get around to listening to the Holy Spirit.

What a wonderful thought, to be guided by the Holy Spirit; to step out of the box and be unafraid of change.

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