Wednesday, September 27, 2023


The whole idea of being Creative gives expression to our unique individuality as a person, able to think and act and be someone special in this wonderful and crazy world of ours.

Of course, we learn from others, guidelines as to how to be creative, especially with the written word. When we want to make an impact, using our individual talents, we can follow patterns set out by others.  This is well and good, provided we do not become a'copy-cat'!

So, the challenge is to learn to put pen to paper and write our own thoughts and inspirations, even though the guidelines we follow have been taught to us by others who have been successful with their stories and poems and novels and films.

This is where our belief system kicks in.  It is so important that we believe in ourselves and the inspirations and promptings that come to mind. It can happen that we at first, will copy a certain style from someone we admire, yet our sense of truth will protect us and encourage us to be truly ourselves.

This is the hallmark of becoming a great writer /artist / poet / whatever God-given talent we have. Above all, to be true to the unique person we are. 


The ability to have a simple approach to life is quite a clever way to handle emotional upheavels when they come our way.  Life is so wonderful and diverse. 

As the song says, 'One day we are up in the air, next day down on the ground...' yet with a simple approach to all that comes our way, we learn easily to cope and find a happy guide to deal with everything in life.

The other day I was listening to an old Late late Show by Gay Byrne.  It seems people were asked to send in a card with their name and phone number, a sort of Draw with a Prize to win.  The lady who answered the phone was quiet..

'Yes, this is me.. Who are you?

The audience laughed, but she did not. Gay immediately picked up on whatever was wrong, asked, and found out her daughter had been knocked down and died, the day before. His compassion was immediate, and cut back on the celebration intended.

This, to me is the power of a simple approach to life. We can let go of where we are and what is important to us, for the sake of what is most important at that moment.  Gay was a great man, more for his understanding of people, than his showmanship.

Perhaps, this is what simplicity can teach us, a simple approach to life as it is being presented to us.

Saturday, September 2, 2023


I had no idea what to write about... imagination...  what is that and how does it effect our lives? However, I soon realised that no matter what age we are, or where we live, or what occupies our daily lives, we are essentially, imaginative people.

And, if this is true, we have only ourselves to blame if we find life tedious or boring, because our imagination is like a fire within that lends to all sorts of creative ideas. There is no limit, except the limit we put on ourselves.  

Next question to ask ourselves would be, why?  Why would we limit our creative abilities when we can almost reach for the moon and believe we are there, by simply using our imaginative skills to create the illusion.

In our endeavour to become a creative writer, the sky is the limit as to what we can put down on paper. Our belief system will do the rest. Simply begin, pen to paper.