Wednesday, September 27, 2023


The ability to have a simple approach to life is quite a clever way to handle emotional upheavels when they come our way.  Life is so wonderful and diverse. 

As the song says, 'One day we are up in the air, next day down on the ground...' yet with a simple approach to all that comes our way, we learn easily to cope and find a happy guide to deal with everything in life.

The other day I was listening to an old Late late Show by Gay Byrne.  It seems people were asked to send in a card with their name and phone number, a sort of Draw with a Prize to win.  The lady who answered the phone was quiet..

'Yes, this is me.. Who are you?

The audience laughed, but she did not. Gay immediately picked up on whatever was wrong, asked, and found out her daughter had been knocked down and died, the day before. His compassion was immediate, and cut back on the celebration intended.

This, to me is the power of a simple approach to life. We can let go of where we are and what is important to us, for the sake of what is most important at that moment.  Gay was a great man, more for his understanding of people, than his showmanship.

Perhaps, this is what simplicity can teach us, a simple approach to life as it is being presented to us.

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