Friday, May 1, 2015

Hail Mary...

Today, 1st of May is a day chosen by us to renew our True Devotion to Mary, our Mother.
This involves a promise to become Mary's willing servant and promote a love for her Son, Jesus.
We set up an alter to Mary, adorned with flowers and each of us in the Servants of Love took our turn to read out our renewed dedication to practise True Devotion to Mary.
All over the world there are shrines dedicated to Mary, the Mother of God. This is a miracle in itself that God chooses to send His Mother to help us on our home journey to be with Him.
What a lovely thought that is, we are on a journey to be with He who loves us, forever. 
We may be saints in the making with still a good way to go, yet we have Mary's promise that she will be with us, guiding and encouraging us along the way.
What could be better than that...  Hail Mary, full of grace...

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