Wednesday, January 12, 2022


 Friends are a treasure, to be respected and valued, always.

When we are able to be a friend with another person, we learn so much about ourselves, and even more so, we receive lessons on how to love.

There is always a price to pay for the gift of friendship, so we need to tread carefully and beome sensitive to how others are feeling.  Human nature is imperfect and we are all flawed in some way or other, therefore it is so important to learn the skill of being gentle and forgiving.

Even the best of friends, at times, can hurt one another. There is no malice, just mistakes and misunderstandings that teach us so much about ourselves, if we are able and willing to accept our weaknesses and failings.

Can anything be greater than Love?  We may not know God fully, yet when we love truly, we become God-like, so whatever protects our ability to love, no matter how hard it might seem, go for it!

The ability to love is such a treasure, and we will learn how to love through friendship.

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