Wednesday, February 23, 2022


The virtue of compassion is such a wonderful ability to have.  However, it can and does take a certain amount of effort on our part to become a truly compassionate person.

We may want to feel for another person, yet find ourselves unmoved by their plight. Even worse, we might become afraid of how their need might impinge on our lives.

A great example is the plight of the immigrants and displaced persons.  They are forced to leave their homes and at great risk, take their families to where they feel they might be safe.

Social media has highlighted so many disasters that have taken place, where they found themselves unwelcome and unwanted.  Just like the homeless people who beg for help and are regarded as a nuisence in our civilised society.

Christ presents us with the story of the good samaritan, who showed compassion for the one who was wounded, and made it his business to care for him.There was no mention of who he was or where he came from.  He was a person in need, and a compassionate heart reached out to him.

Could this be you?  Could this be me?  Love and kindness is always needed and hopefully we will be able to respond, when asked, with a compassionate heart. 

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