Monday, December 5, 2022


 'Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder...' so we are told, and how true that is. When our hearts are captured with delight at the sight of another person, or something of artistic value, we immediately respond with love.

You could say, this is the way God has formed us. We are made in His likeness and therefore we cannot but rejoice at the sight of beauty.  An innocent child will display the wonder of the soul and God's love for each one of us.

I visited Fatima, in Portugal, awhile ago and was touched by the knowledge of who was chosen by the Blessed Virgin, three little children, to carry the message of love to the whole World.  Through their innocence and obedience to Our Lady, we have confirmation of just how much God loves each on of us.

Of course, we have this wonderful World of ours, sending out messages of beauty as seen on Earth and the Universe at large. We just have to open our eyes and hearts to the beauty that surrounds us.

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