Friday, March 2, 2018

Blanket of Snow

Today is 2nd March 2018 and Wicklow is covered with a blanket of Snow!
Code red alert to all the country and a constant blizzard as the falling snow is pushed forward in an easterly direction, just as the Weather people say.
Beautiful to look at and to admire the 'lace' curtains on the outside of the windows as we sit in the comfort of our home.
Such a delight to be warm and yet free to admire the force of nature, with constant snow falling.
I wonder how it must have been for people years ago who had to travel in the snow just to survive.
Perhaps we have become a 'soft' nation, used to our comforts and having a warm place to live.
And yet, what are children looking for?  Sleighs so they can get out in the snow and have fun!
The child in each one of us is looking forward to dress up in wellies and raincoats and enjoy this strange and beautiful weather.
 Keep warm and keep happy and a big thank you to our Divine Provider.


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