Thursday, July 16, 2009


Part of growing older, is the realisation that we are not as 'capable' as we were when younger. A young person races about the place (packed full of natural enzymes) and seems able to take on the world. They search for challenges, want to climb mountains etc. This is great and to be admired, yet not so wise to imitate.

The human body slows down as the years go by. However, the mind often does not slow down. Instead it escalates almost out of control, wanting to DO so much / achieve so much...

It takes courage to realise that life is about living / being in the moment. We can be impressed by achievements of others, yet it is a very wise person who can simply BE!

This is where courage takes place, when we are able and willing to be just who we are; no frills or pretence.

Can you imagine someone coming up to an artist, looking at his painting, then taking up a paint-brush and altering his masterpiece to suit their own taste.

This is what we do when we try to alter ourselves and be someone we are not. God is the Master Artist. He has created each one of us as a unique being. When we are not happy with who we are,we insult the Artist and try to alter His masterpiece.

God is happy with who we are. Let's do likewise and be our happy selves.

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