A thank you for a kind act, sows the seed for friendship. A thank you for a deserved reprimand opens us to change. A thank you for an undeserved reprimand appeases anger and makes us stronger - more in control.
A thank you, God when things go wrong and worry threatens our peace of mind will link us to God - to wisdom, understanding and knowledge.
Sometimes the only difference between things going right or wrong is our way of looking at them.
We may fail an exam or in a relationship. Painful though it might be, this could establish us more solidly in the path we want to follow. Perhaps, there is another road for us, one we hadn’t thought about.
When things seem to go wrong, God is not punishing us. Because He loves us, He is trying to guide us towards what will give us most happiness, without at the same time interfering with our freedom of choice. Can you find a Parent better than that?Thank you God, for caring.
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