I was reminded of this, the other day, when I needed advise. It was one of those `should I or should I not’ situations. I know God is the one with all the answers, yet He often chooses to use our friends and co-workers to supply us with guidelines and answers.
To my surprise, it was a `non-friend’ who presented a solution to my dilemma. It seems, even our adversaries are part of the God-link.
This made me realise, we are receiving all the time from our Creator. And, we don’t just receive for ourselves - we receive for each other. We are like the voices in the radio. Sometimes we are not tuned into the right channel, yet we are still a receiver - we just lose the sense of the message we are being given.
Quiet moments are so important where we learn to listen, and receive, and relay the message whatever it might be.
Is the message for us, or for others? It doesn’t seem to matter to God.
Is the message for us, or for others? It doesn’t seem to matter to God.
Should it matter to us..?
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