Wednesday, September 17, 2008


I always equated the story of the pearl of great price with the gift of faith. Perhaps this is so, yet lately I’ve begun to believe that the greatest gift of all is the ability to love.
We are told, we are what we love. This can be so true. Take a family for example, those who care for and are interested in each other, create a wonderful atmosphere where even a stranger can feel welcome. Love emanates from every corner of such a home, and it is a HOME, not just a comfortable house.
The same can be true of co-workers - those who care for and are interested in each other. Again, an welcoming atmosphere is present. Work is not a drudge and love is a winner.
St. John, the apostle, had it all figured out so many years ago. He knew the value of faith, yet his preaching was a simple one, `Little children, love one another’.
Let’s re-evaluate our priorities and become like the wise man who gave up everything for the pearl of great price.

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