She would say, ‘ Let nothing disturb thee; nothing afright thee; all things are passing; God alone suffices, patience gains all. ’
Try telling that to a stressed out motorist who is already late for work. Or, to a mother who has three hyper-active children to deliver to school and traffic seems to be jammed for miles ahead. Just two examples of the many reasons for stress in our fast moving world of today.
It can be a challenge to remain cool and calm when everything around us seems to be in chaos.
It is a challenge, but not impossible.
Life is a question of priorities. If getting to work , or getting the children to school has priority, then a price has to be paid. Time is limited. If we leave late, we are late. If traffic is out of control, then we do not have control and must accept the consequences.
It’s more difficult to be a victim - not to be in charge - yet if we are patient at that moment of stress, our patience will save the day - maybe even our lives.
Let nothing disturb you - be patient - everything is passing. God is in control, looking out for us, always.
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