I have memories of being in our school choir. I liked singing, yet being in the choir was often a penance. Attendance at twice-weekly practise was compulsory, once it had been established one could sing.
Our training often involved shouting and screaming from a teacher with a low-tolerance temper. This was her way of avoiding a nervous-breakdown. We survived by enjoying ridiculing her, in secret of course.
We looked like angels - a group of over fifty young adults - yet we were anything but! Then, miraculously, after weeks of practise, we began to sing well together. Harmonious and musical were the words used by the audience as we sang for our parents, teachers and the whole school.
We were so proud, and a little astonished. We had achieved what seemed impossible in the beginning.
We were so proud, and a little astonished. We had achieved what seemed impossible in the beginning.
Although we’ve grown up and left school, we are still students, and life is a constant teacher. Everyday we are invited to harmonise, to blend in and be a part of each other’s lives. Our egos and individual opinions of ourselves might say this is impossible. Is it?
How beautiful and musical life is when we live in harmony with one another. These are the qualities of love.
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