Monday, June 22, 2020

Positive versus Negative...

It would seem to be the problem in most people's lives, the battle between the Positive versus the Negative...
Being a positive person protects us from discouragement and certain failures that stem from our ego and pride.  
Of course, we are frail at times and to put it bluntly, negative.
We want to complain against wrong-doing and point out mistakes we believe others are doing.
However, complaining in itself is negative and so can rob us of our desire and efforts to be positive.
A truly positive person is one who is wise in protecting this positive spirit that allows one to be productive and forward-thinking.  
The answer to being a positive and like-able person is found in diligence and building up our awareness of when we are tempted to be negative.
When we look at the life of Christ and use Him as a guide, then we will learn to look for and find a positive solution to all that pertains to our lives.
Lets choose to be a cheerful and positive person!

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