Saturday, June 20, 2020

God first!

In these strange times where fear may be as prevalent as Covid 19, it's good to focus on what is most important in our lives, being a spiritual person and having a close relationship with God, our Creator.
Looking at the history of the world, even in these days,  there are so many wrongs and often injustices that one could become taken up with fighting for what is right.
Perhaps, some people are called to spear-head groups and ways that will make it easier for others and yet, most of us are called to live our faith and trust in the truth that we are guided and supported by God's Loving Hand.
Constantly, Christ asked us and encouraged us to  'Fear not...'
I ask myself, what can I do?  What can each person do alone?
Our greatest weapon is our trust and belief that God is above all and will never desert us, never let us down.
So, fear not, simply put God first in our lives and all will be well.

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